!!!Peter Horvath
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2023 - present Principal Investigator, AI4Health, Helmholtz Munich, Germany
* 2018 - present Director, Institute of Biochemistry, HUN-REN BRC, Szeged, Hungary
* 2017 - 2023 Director, FIMM High-Content Analysis Facility, (FIMM-HCA) HELMI, Helsinki, Finland
* 2016 - present CEO, Single-Cell Technologies Ltd., Szeged, Hungary
* 2014 - 2023 Finnish Distinguished Professor Fellowship, FIMM, Helsinki, Finland
* 2013 - present Biological Image Analysis and Machine Learning Group (BIOMAG), HUN-REN BRC, Szeged, Hungary
* 2013 Senior Scientist, Kutay Group, Institute of Biochemistry, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
* 2007 - 2012 Lecturer, Light Microscopy and Screening Centre, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
* 2004 - 2007 Ph.D., University of Szeged and INRIA, Sophia Antipois, France
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2019 Szent-Györgyi Talentum Prize
* 2018 Straub Plaquette Award
* 2018 Momentum Award, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
* 2018 Bolyai Plaquette Award
* 2016 Pfizer Research Award
* 2015 Selected and nominated by the HBS for the EBSA (European Biophysical Societies' Association) Young Investigators’ Medal and Prize
* 2014 Bolyai Fellowship
* 2014 NAP-B brain research grant for research group establishment (4 years, Szeged, BRC)
* 2014 Finland Distinguished Professor award and fellowship for research group establishment (5 years, University of Helsinki, Finland)
* 2007 Marie Curie Fellowship
* 2002 CEEPUS - Central European Exchange Program (6 months, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria)

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Horvath_Peter/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Horvath_Peter/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Horvath_Peter/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Horvath_Peter/OtherInformation]

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