!!Charles Hulme - Curriculum Vitae
*1973-76 Open Scholarship (Natural Science) to Oriel College, University of Oxford; awarded First Class Honours degree in Experimental Psychology\\
*1976-78 Research Student, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford\\
*1977-78 Graduate Scholarship, Wolfson College, University of Oxford\\
*March 1979 DPhil, University of Oxford.  Thesis title: 'Reading Retardation and a Method of Remedial Teaching'\\
*1978 - 1988 Lecturer in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of York\\
*1988 - 1992 Reader in Psychology, University of York.\\
*1992 - 2011 Professor of Psychology, University of York (including Head of Department for 4-year term, 1997-2001)\\
*2011 - 2016 Professor of Psychology, University College London
*2017 - present Professor of Psychology and Education, University of Oxford \\
*1985 The Spearman Medal of the British Psychological Society \\
 "for published psychological work of outstanding merit"\\
*1998 Feitelson Research Award with (P.Hatcher and A.Ellis) for the paper "Ameliorating Early Reading Failure by Integrating the Teaching of Reading and Phonological Skills: The Phonological Linkage Hypothesis.\\
*Research Interests \\
*Reading, memory and language processes, their development, and disorders of development\\
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Major grants have been held from a variety of UK Research Councils and Charities including MRC, ESRC, Wellcome Trust, Nuffield Foundation as well as the ERC.
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Publications include 4 authored books, 5 Edited books, and some 190 journal articles