!!John Iliffe - Publications

''A modern history of Tanganyika (Cambridge, 1979)''
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First comprehensive and fully documented history of modern Tanganyika (mainland Tanzania).
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''The African poor: a history (Cambridge, 1987)''
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First history of the poor of Sub-Saharan Africa begins in the monasteries of thirteenthcentury Ethiopia and ends in the South African resettlement sites of the 1980s. Its thesis, derived from histories of poverty in Europe, is that most very poor Africans have been individuals incapacitated for labour, bereft of support, and unable to fend for themselves
in a land-rich economy. Only recently has there emerged the new poverty of those excluded from access to productive resources.
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''Africans: the history of a continent (Cambridge, 1995)''
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History of Africa from the origins of mankind right up to the South African general
election of 1994. Africans have been pioneers struggling against disease and nature in an
overwhelmingly hostile environment, and their social, economic and political institutions
have been designed to ensure survival and maximise numbers.
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''East African doctors: a history of the modern profession (Cambridge, 1998)''
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The first history of the African medical profession in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania from the earliest
training of modern medical staff in the 1870s to the present day. Based on extensive research, and dealing
exclusively with African doctors, it offers a new understanding of professionalisation in the Third World.