!!Christa Jansohn - Curriculum Vitae

*2010 elected lifelong Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge\\
*2009 elected lifelong Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge\\
*2005- full member of the Academy of Science and Literature, Mainz\\
*03/2000- Chair of British Culture and Director of the Centre for British Studies (2000-2014), University of Bamberg\\
*07/1998 Habilitation (venia legendi: English Philology, University of Bonn): Thesis: ‚Doubtful Shakespeare‘: The Reception of the\\
Shakespeare Apocrypha from the Renaissance to the 20th Century). Supervisor: Professor Dieter Mehl; Examiners: Profs Dieter Mehl, Rolf Lessenich, Helmut Schneider, Wolfram Steinbeck).\\
02/1990 PhD, English Philology, University of Bonn. Thesis: The Use of Quotation and Allusion in the Early Work of D.H. Lawrence - summa cum laude). Supervisor: Professor Dieter Mehl; Examiners: Profs. Dieter Mehl, Goetz Schmitz; Rudolf Schieffer (Medieval History); Prof. Raymond Kottje (Historische Hilfswissenchaften und Archivkunde).\\
06/1987 State Exam: English, History, and Education Studies (1.3.)\\
02/1985 MA, English Language and Literature (Prof. Dieter Mehl and Prof. Karl Reichl); Medieval History (Prof. Rudolf Schieffer), with distinction.\\
10/1978-02/1985 Undergraduate Studies: English Philology, History, and Archive Studies (Historische Hilfswissenschaften und Archivkunde), University of Bonn and Exeter (1980/81)\\ \\