!!Klaus Bruhn Jensen - Selected Publications
- A theory of communication and justice. London, New York: Routledge, forthcoming-\\
Qualitative communication research. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Methods, ed. Paul A. Atkinson, Sara Delamont, Melissa A. Hardy, & Malcolm Williams. 2019. (with Rasmus Helles).\\
Speaking into the system: Social media and many-to-one communication. European Journal of Communication, 32(1) 16 –25, 2017. (with Rasmus Helles).\\
International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy. 4 vols and online. Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. Co-editor in chief.\\
How to do things with data: Meta-data, meta-media, and meta-communication. First Monday, 18(10), 2013. (Chinese version, China Media Today, 2014; Portuguese version in Paragrafo, 2015).\\
The internet as a cultural forum: Implications for research. New media & society, 2011. (with Rasmus Helles).\\
Media Convergence: The Three Degrees of Network, Mass, and Interpersonal Communication. New York, London: Routledge, 2010.\\
 International Encyclopedia of Communication, 12 vols and online. Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. Area Editor for Communication Theory and Philosophy.\\
 A Handbook of Media and Communication Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies. London and New York: Routledge, 2002, 2nd edition 2012, 3rd edition forthcoming. Editor and author. (Translated into Spanish 2014; to appear in Mandarin)-\\
 A Handbook of Qualitative Methodologies for Mass Communication Research. London: Routledge, 1991. First editor and author; second editor: Nicholas W. Jankowski. (Published in Spanish by Bosch Casa Editorial, 1993, in Chinese by WU-NAN Book Co., 1996, and in Korean by Il Shin Publishing Co., 2005)\\
__H-index:__ 45