!!Tong Jiang - Selected Publications
1. Jiang T., et al. 2020: Each 0.5 °C of Warming Increases Annual Flood Losses in China by More than 60 billion USD. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(8), E1464-E1474. (IF: 9.116, Number of citations: 35. This paper was selected by BAMS Editor-in-Chief as editorial board commentary report)\\
2. Jiang T., et al. 2022: Gridded Datasets for Population and Economy under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) for 2020-2100. Advanced in Climate Change Research. 18 (3), 381-383. (IF: 4.9, This newly developed dataset was downloaded over 16000 times within 3 months since it was available online. In parallel, the high resolution dataset for gridded value-added of primary, secondary and tertiary industries was published in the Jounal of Scientific Data, 10.1038/s41597-022-01440-0,2022)\\
3. Jiang T., et al. 2020: Possibility of implementing global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). Science in China, 50 (10), 1445-1454. (IF:4.3. Based on this published research, we have declared a series of international and domestic patents for invention, and two of them got authorized, e.g. assessment methodology of dynamic vulnerability - authorization no. 202110973111.9, and assessment methodology of dynamic exposure to hazards - authorization no. 202110973268.3) \\
4. Jiang T. et al. (eds.) 2022: Risk Assessment and Management of Climate Induced Disasters: University Textbook. ISBN 978-7-03-073782-3. Science Press, Beijing, 298 pp. The book was designated and nominated as the National Official Textbook and the Jiangsu Provincial Key Textbook.\\
5. Jiang T. et al. (eds.) 2011-2019: Book series "China Climate Change Impact Report: [[Region Name]" (eight books in total, published by China Meteorological Press). Regions: The Yangtze Delta Region (2019, ISBN 978-7-5029-7048-2, 176 pp.); The Tarim River Basin (2014, ISBN 978-7-5029-5922-7, 173 pp.); The Huaihe River Basin (2012, ISBN 978-7-5029-5488-8, 163 pp.); The Haihe River Basin (2012, ISBN 978-7-5029-5503-8, 176 pp.); The Songhuajiang River Basin (2012, ISBN 978-7-5029-5454-3, 154 pp.); The Yunnan Province (2011, ISBN 978-7-5029-5113-9, 181 pp.); The Three Gorges Reservoir (2011, ISBN 978-7-5029-5059-0, 156 pp.); The Poyanghu Lake River Basin (2011, ISBN 978-7-5029-5189-4, 188 pp.)\\
6. Wang Y., ... Jiang T.,* 2019: Tens of Thousands Additional Deaths Annually in Cities of China between 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C warming. Nature Communications, 10, 3376. (IF: 17.694, Number of citations: 111)\\
7. Su B.D., ... Jiang T.,* 2018: Drought Losses in China might Double between the 1.5°C and 2°C Warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 115(42),10600-10605. (IF: 12.779, Number of citation: 240)\\
8. Huang J., ... Jiang T.,* 2022: Intensity-Area-Duration-based Drought Analysis under 1.5°C - 4.0°C warming using CMIP6 over a climate hotspot in South Asia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 345, 131106. (IF:11.072, The Intensity-Area-Duration-based weather extreme identification  method was patented and also applied to operation system of China Meteorological Administration, authorization no. ZL 2021 1 1412313.4)\\
9. Su B.D., Jiang T.,* 2021: Insight from CMIP6 SSP-RCP Scenarios for Future Drought Characteristics in China. Atmospheric Research, 250, 105375. (IF: 4.95, Number of citation: 111, listed as highly cited paper in Atmospheric Research)\\
10. Mondal S.K.......Jiang T.,* 2021: Doubling of the Population Exposed to Drought over South Asia: CMIP6 Multi-model-based Analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 771, 145186. (IF: 10.753, Number of citation: 39).  \\* corresponding author   \\
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