!!Anna Jonsson Cornell - Selected Publications
__Edited volumes:__
\\ \\
2020: Komparativ konstitutionell rätt, Iustus Förlag, Uppsala, Third edition (Comparative Constitutional Law);\\
2017: The Uppsala Yearbook of Eurasian Studies II, Simmons and Hill Publishing (several co-editors);\\
2016: The Uppsala Yearbook of Eurasian Studies I, Simmons and Hill Publishing (several co-editors);\\
2016: National and Regional Parliaments in the EU-legislative Procedure post-Lisbon: The Impact of the Early Warning Mechanism, Hart Publishing, Oxford (together with Maria Bergström);\\
2014: European Police and Criminal Law Cooperation, Hart Publishing, Oxford (together with Maria Bergström);\\
2010: Human Trafficking and Human Security, Routledge, London. \\
__Co-authored books:__\\
2009: Russia in a 10-20 Year Perspective, Stockholm (several co-authors);\\
2006: The Wider Black Sea Regions, Uppsala 2006 (several co-authors).\\
2005: Judicial Review and Individual Legal Activism: The Case of Russia in Theoretical Perspective, Doctoral Dissertation, Uppsala University, 304 pp. \\
__Journal Articles:__\\
2019: Emergency Laws in Comparative Constitutional Law: The Case of Sweden and Finland, in: German Law Journal 19:2, pp. 219-249 (together with Janne Salminen).