!!!Ingrid Kögel-Knabner
[{Image src='Kögel-Knabner_Ingrid_20181116_AH_491196_small.jpg'  alt='Ingrid Kögel-Knabner' height='220'}]

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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2011 Carl-von-Linde Senior Fellow TUM Institute of Advanced Study
* 1995 University Professor (C4) for Soil Science at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Technical University of Munich (now School of Life Sciences)
* 1992 - 1995 University Professor (C3) for Soil Science and Soil Ecology at the Ruhr University Bochum
* 1987 - 1992 Academic Councillor, Chair of Soil Science at the University of Bayreuth
* 1983 - 1987 Scientific employee, Chair of Soil Science at the University of Bayreuth
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2019 German Environment Award, German Federal Environment Foundation
*2018 Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art
*2015 Philippe-Duchaufour-Medal, European Geosciences Union
*2015 Emil-Ramann-Medal, German Soil Science Society
*2013 Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany 
*2015 Doctor honoris causa, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Österreich

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Kögel-Knabner_Ingrid/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Kögel-Knabner_Ingrid/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Kögel-Knabner_Ingrid/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Kögel-Knabner_Ingrid/OtherInformation]

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