!!Soteris Kalogirou - Biography
Professor Soteris Kalogirou is at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Sciences and Engineering of the Cyprus University of Technology. In addition to his PhD, he holds the title of DSc indicating that he has made a substantial contribution to his field, that he is recognised by his peers as scholar of distinction, and his research constitute an original and significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge, establishing that he is a leading authority in his field. He has 36 years in academia during which he served in all key positions; Chair of the Department, Dean of School of Engineering and Technology, and Vice Rector of Economics, Personnel and Development. \\
His research area is renewable energy systems and processes, including almost all areas of the field. He has written a large number of scientific journal and conference papers, which are very well cited, and a large number of books and book chapters. Because of the importance of his work, he occupies very prestigious ranking position in international databases. He is the creator and the director of the Archimedes Solar Energy Laboratory. He is a member of numerous committees related to his field and he evaluated proposals in many different countries, but mainly European ones and he is an ERC evaluator.\\
He is also representing the Cyprus Academy, in the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) Steering Panel of the Energy Programme. Until now he participated in three working groups of EASAC Energy Programme after nomination by the Cyprus Academy. The first two are completed and produced reports on the Decarbonisation of Buildings and Future of Gas. The third which is just formed is on Security of Sustainable Energy Supplies.\\
He is elected Chair of Nemitsas Foundations, which is donated by its founders to the Cyprus Academy, which awards every year with the Nemitsas prize Cypriot scientists of distinction from all over the word and is a very prestigious local award.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit skalogirou}][{ALLOW upload skalogirou}][{ALLOW comment All}]