!!Bakhodyr Khoussainov - Curriculum Vitae
*1984 - 1988 PhD, Novosibirsk University, USSR\\
*1981 - 1984 Diploma in Mathematics, Novosibirsk University, USSR\\
*1979 - 1981 BSc in Mathematics, Tashkent University, USSR\\
__Main work:__
*2021 - present Professor, Leader of Algorithms and Logic Group, UESTC, China\\
*1996 - present Professor, The University of Auckland\\
*2012 - 2013 Visiting Professor, NUS, Singapore\\
*2016 Visiting Professor, Kyoto University\\
*2007 - 2010 Visiting Professor, Cornell University\\
*1994 - 1997 H.C. Wang Assistant Professor Cornell University\\
*1991 - 1994 Maths Sciences Inst., Cornell University\\
__Research Area:__ Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic.\\
__Publications:__ Over 150\\
__Grants:__ \\
1. Marsden Fund grants for the periods of 2000-2004, 2004-2008, 2008-2012, and 2010-2016, PI. Success rate 10%-12%.\\
2. Ministry of Education (MoE) grant, Singapore (2016-2020), AI.\\
3. Natural Science Foundation China (NSFC)  grant (2022-2026), PI. Success rate 15%.\\
4. JSPS fellowships (2000, 2012, 2016)\\
5. Humboldt Research Award (2019)\\
6. Humboldt Fellowship (2002)\\
7. The University of Electronic Sciences and Technology (UESTC) grant for building  Theoretical Computer Science Lab.\\
__Student supervision:__ \\
15 PhD students, 6 postdocs, 16 Master students.\\
Currently supervising/co-supervising 12 PhD and Master students. This is very high in theoretical computer science.\\
__Conference/Seminar presentations:__ Over 200\\
__Editorial work:__ \\
Editor of the Journal for Symbolic Logic: 2014-2021 (a top journal in mathematical logic)\\
__PC membership:__\\
Logic in Computer Science (LICS), Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science (MFCS), Computer Science Logic (CSL), International Conference on Automata and Languages (ICALP), Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS)\\
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