!!Wieland Kiess - Curriculum Vitae

*Medical School, University of Tübingen, Germany, and University of Munich, Germany\\
*1984 Conferring a doctorate\\
*1993 Habilitation\\
*Paediatrician, lecturer, Children’s hospital, University of Munich, Germany\\
*Fellow and visiting scientist, National Cancer Institute, Metabolism Branch Endocrine Section, Bethesda, Maryland, USA\\
*Specialty approbation, diabetology, German Diabetes Association (Diabetologe DDG)\\
*Senior physician and lecturer, Munich, Germany\\
*Senior lecturer, Giessen, Germany\\
*Since 01.01.1998 Director of the Hospital for Children and Adolescents, University of Leipzig, Germany, Professor of Paediatrics\\
*Main area of research: basic research cell biology, hormone and signaling molecules\\
*Main area of clinical work: children and adolescents with chronic diseases, psycho-social services\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit wkiess}][{ALLOW upload wkiess}][{ALLOW comment All}]