!!Sonja Kotz - Selected Publications
1. Criscuolo, A., Schwartze, M., Prado, L., Ayala, Y., Merchant, H., & Kotz, S.A. (2023b). Macaque monkeys and humans sample temporal regularities in the acoustic environment. Progress in Neurobiology, 229, 102502. Journal Impact:14.1; one of the first articles that confirms that macaque monkeys as non-vocal learners have basic rhythm perception and display similar individual variation as humans. This evidence counters current thinking on a necessary link between vocal learning and rhythm processing.\\
2. Biau, E., Schultz, B.G., Gunter, T.C., & Kotz, S.A. (2022).Left motor delta oscillations reflect asynchrony detection in multisensory speech perception. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(11), 2313-2326. Journal Impact:6.7; novel evidence that the auditory-motor coupling hypothesis for speech (and music) can be generalized to complex temporal integration in audiovisual stimulation.\\
3.Criscuolo, A., Schwartze, M., & Kotz, S.A. (2022). Cognition through the lens of a body-brain dynamic system. Trends in Neuroscience, 45(9), 667-677. Journal Impact:16.9; a new holistic and dynamic rather than hierarchical perspective on the integration of brain and peripheral body rhythms (heart, breathing, gastrointestinal) with implications of testing in naturalistic settings outside of the laboratory.\\
4.Honcamp, H., Schwartze, M., Linden, D.F.J., El-deredy, W., & Kotz, S.A. (2022). Unpacking Hidden Resting State Dynamics: Providing A New Analytic Take On Auditory Verbal Hallucinations. Neuroimage, 255:119188. Journal Impact: 7.4; introducing a computational modelling approach that looks at brain state dynamics in resting state EEG to isolate potential transition from vulnerable to clinical brain states.\\
5. Belyk M., Brown, R., Beal, D.S., Roebroek, A., McGettigan, C., Guldner, S., & Kotz, S.A. (2021).Human larynx motor cortices coordinate respiration for vocal-motor control. Neuroimage, 239:118326. Journal Impact: 7.4; novel high-field (7T) evidence that gives differential insight into the separation of respiratory and vocal control in speech production that laid the ground work for comparative research (ongoing).\\
6. Giordano, B.L., Whiting, C., Kriegeskorte, N., Kotz, S.A., Gross, J., & Belin, P. (2021). The Representational Dynamics of Perceived Voice Emotions Evolve from Categories to Dimensions. Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 1203-1213. Journal Impact: 24.0; novel evidence that informs a decades old discussion as to whether emotional expressions are decoded in a categorical or dimensional manner; both is the case but at different time points.\\
7. Stockert, A., Schwartze, M., Poeppel, D. Anwander, A., & Kotz, S.A. (2021).Temporo-cerebellar connectivity underlies timing constraints in audition. Elife;10:e67303. Journal Impact:8.7; first structural evidence that supports connectivity between the cerebellum and the temporal cortex in support of time-scale sensitivity of simple and complex (e.g., speech) sound information processing. \\
8. Henry, M.J., Cook, P.F., de Reus, K., Nityanada, V., Rouse, A.R., & Kotz, S.A. (2021). An ecological approach to measuring synchronization abilities across the animal kingdom. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B., 376: 20200336. Journal Impact:6.6; comparative perspective on time and rhythm processing across animal species with a particular focus on natural species-specific behavior that is often not considered and consequently discusses differences from a human-centric perspective.\\
9. Harding, E.E., Sammler, D., Henry, M., Large, E., Kotz, S.A. (2019). Cortical tracking of temporal structure differs in music and speech. NeuroImage, 185, 96-101. Journal Impact:6.7; a direct comparison of speech and music in trained musicians that clearly indicates temporal processing differences between the two domains but also shows that being a musician does not make you automatically a better speech processer.\\
10. Kotz, S.A., Ravignani, A., & Fitch, W.T. (2018).The evolution of rhythm processing. Trends in Cognitive Science, 22(10), 896-910. Journal Impact:15.4; a comprehensive, well received perspective article on rhythm in music, speech, and across species.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit skotz}][{ALLOW upload skotz}][{ALLOW comment All}]