!!Ilona Kovacs
[List of publications|http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-2372-2009]
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__Selected peer-reviewed publications:__
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*Kovács, I. and B. Julesz : Depth, motion, and static-flow perception at metaisoluminant color contrast ''Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA'' 89 10390-1-39 1992 
*Kovács, I. and B. Julesz : A closed curve is much more than an incomplete one: Effect of closure in figure-ground segmentation ''Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA'' 90 7495-7497. 1993 
*Kovács, I. and B. Julesz : Perceptual sensitivity maps within globally defined visual shapes. ''Nature (London)'' 370 644-646 1994 
*Kovács, I. : Gestalten of today: Early processing of visual contours and surfaces ''Behavioral Brain Research (invited review)'' 82(1) 1-11 1996 
*Kovács, I., T. V. Papathomas, M. Yang and Á. Fehér : When the brain changes its mind: Interocular grouping during binocular rivalry ''Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA'' 93 15508-1551 1996. 
*Kovács, I., Á. Fehér and B. Julesz : Medial-point description of shape: a representation for action coding and its psychophysical correlates. ''Vision Research'' (Special Issue on Recognition) 38 2323-2333 1998 
*Kovács, P. Kozma, Á. Fehér and G. Benedek : Late maturation of visual spatial integration in humans ''Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA ''96(21) 12204-1220 1999 
*Silverstein, S., I. Kovács, R. Corry & C. Valone : Perceptual organization, the disorganization syndrome, and context processing in chronic schrizophrenia. ''Schizophrenia Research'' 43(1) 11-20 2000 
*Kovács, I., U. Polat, A. M. Norcia, P. M. Pennefather and A. Chandna : A new test of contour integration deficits in patients with a history of disrupted binocular experience during visual development. ''Vision Research'' 40(13) 1775-1783 2000 
*Kovács, I. : Human Development of Perceptual Organization ''Vision Research'' (Special Issue on Attention, invited paper) 40(10-12) 1301-1310. 2000
*Káldy, Z. & Kovács, I. : Visual context integration is not fully developed in 4-year-old children. ''Perception'' 32(6) 657-66 2003 
*Gerhardtstein P, Kovács I, Ditre J & Fehér Á : Detection of contour continuity and closure in 3-month-old human infants ''Vision Research'' 44 2881-2988 2004 
*Silverstein, S. M., Hatashita-Wong, M. H., Schenkel. L. S., Kovács, I. , Feher, A., Smith, T. E., Goicochea, C., & Uhlhaas, P. : Reduced top-down influences in contour detection in schizophrenia. ''Cognitive Neuropsychiatry'' 11 112-132 2006 
*Kemner, C., Lamme, V.A.F., Kovacs, I., Engeland, H. : Integrity of lateral and feedbackward connections in visual processing in children with Pervasive Developmental Disorder ''Neuropsychologia'' 45(6) 1293-8 2007