!!Jan Krajicek - Selected Publications
*Bounded arithmetic, propositional logic, and complexity theory, Cambridge University Press, 1995.\\

*Forcing with random variables and proof complexity,  Cambridge University Press, 2011. \\

*Proof complexity, Cambridge University Press, 2019.\\

*Proof complexity generators, Cambridge University Press, in preparation.\\

__Edited volumes__

* with P. Clote, "Arithmetic, Proof Theory and Computational Complexity", Oxford University Press, (1993).\\

* "Complexity of computations and proofs", Quaderni di Matematica, Vol.13, ser. published by Seconda Universita di Napoli, Caserta. 424 pp., (2004).\\

* with M. Baaz and S. Friedman, "Logic Colloquium'01", Proceedings of the European ASL meeting in Vienna 2001, LN in Logic, Vol.20, Assoc. for Symb. Logic, A K Peters, Ltd., and Wellesley (Mass.US), 486 pp., (2005).\\


* Up-to-date bibliography: [biblio-jan-krajicek.pdf]\\

* Papers written from 2012 onward are listed (and available) in the ArXiv:

* ORCID iD: %%[http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0670-3957]\\

* Bibliography with pdfs of most papers is at: %%[http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~krajicek/biblio.html]\\