!!Sophie Krausz - Curriculum Vitae
__I. Academic education__
*2014 Habilitation (Anthropology-Ethnology-Prehistory), University of Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne: \\"Territories and societies from the Neolithic to the Iron Age. From farming communities to the emergence of the State: three models for the formation of political systems from the Neolithic to the Iron Age in central France." (1042 p.) Defended in Paris on December 11, 2014.\\
*1992 PhD (Anthropology-Ethnology-Prehistory), Univ. Paris 1: “Animal bones from the Gallic village of Les Arènes in Levroux (Indre). A spatial analysis". Paris on April 23, 1992, with First Class Honours.\\
*1983 à 1986 : B.A., M.A., DEA, Univ. Paris 1
__II. Positions occupied__
*Since September 2021: Professor at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne\\
*2005 to 2021: Lecturer in Roman history at Bordeaux Montaigne University
__III. University teaching__
*Specialities: Roman and Greek history, European and Mediterranean Protohistory, archaeological methods, paleoenvironmental studies.\\
__IV. Managing archaeological sites:__ 91 excavations (1986 - 2023) including major projects directed at Chateaumeillant (Cher), Vix (Cote d'Or), Mont Beuvray (Saone et Loire), all France  
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__V. Main administrative and collective functions__
*2021 - 2025 In charge of International Research Network NEMESIS (CNRS) From the Atlantic to the Black Sea, European territories and societies in the Iron Age [https://irnnemesis.hypotheses.org]\\
*2018 - 2021 Director of Éditions Ausonius,\\
__VI. Editorial responsibilities:__ 73 books published from 2018 to 2023\\
__VII. Invited lectures:__ 121 invited lectures between 1986 and 2023\\
__VIII. Awards__
*Knight of Arts and Letters (2014)\\
*Knight of the National Order of Merit (2017)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit skrausz}][{ALLOW upload skrausz}][{ALLOW comment All}]