!!Charlotte Krawczyk - Curriculum Vitae
__Academic Training__
*2007 Professorship in ‘Geophysics with focus on seismics’ at TU Berlin\\
*1995 PhD in geophysics at GEOMAR and Kiel University\\Thesis: Detachment Tectonics during Continental Rifting off the West Iberia Margin:  Seismic Reflection and Drilling Constraints.\\
*1991 Diploma in geophysics, Kiel University\\Thesis: Der Island-Faroer Rücken: eine hochauflösende reflexionsseismische  Vermessung.\\
*1986 Vordiplom in oceanography/physics, Kiel University\\
*1984 Abitur\\
__Professional Experience__
*2016  joint appointment GFZ Potsdam and TU Berlin\\
*2013 - 2015 LIAG, Hannover: Vice Director\\
*2007 - 2015 LIAG, Hannover: Head of Section Seismics~Gravimetry~Magnetics\\
*2002 - 2007 GFZ Potsdam: senior scientist in section ‘Lithosphere Dynamics’\\Focus: reflection seismology, geophysics, geodynamic interpretation\\
*1997 - 2001 GFZ Potsdam: leadership of project group Northgerman Basin\\
*1995 - 1997 GFZ Potsdam: post-doc, project management within DEKORP\\
*1993  Texas A&M University: physical properties specialist (ODP leg 149)\\
*1992 - 1995 GEOMAR Kiel: PhD-student in Geodynamics division \\
*1991  AWI, Bremerhaven + GTZ, Frankfurt: scientific program in Brasil\\
*1988 - 1991 Institute for Geophysics, Kiel: student helper in geophysics\\
*1985  BSH, Hamburg: student helper in oceanography\\ \\