!!Teija Kujala - Selected Publications
1. Kujala,T., Alho, K. & Näätänen, R. Cross-modal reorganization of human cortical functions. Trends in Neurosciences, 2000, 23, 115-120.\\
2. Kujala, T. & Näätänen, R. The mismatch negativity in evaluating central auditory dysfunction in dyslexia. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2001, 25, 535-543.\\
3. Kujala, T., Karma, K., Ceponiene, R., Belitz, S., Turkkila, P., Tervaniemi, M. & Näätänen, R. Plastic neural changes and reading improvement caused by audio-visual training in reading-impaired children. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), 2001, 98, 10509-10514.\\
4. Kujala, T. & Näätänen, R. The adaptive brain – A neurophysiological perspective. Progress in Neurobiology, 2010, 91, 55-67. \\
5. Kujala, T., Lepistö, T. & Näätänen, R. The neural basis of aberrant speech and audition in autism spectrum disorders. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2013, 37, 697-704.\\
6. Partanen, E., Kujala, T., Näätänen, R., Liitola, A., Sambeth, A. & Huotilainen, M. Learning-induced neural plasticity of speech processing before birth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), 2013, 110, 15145-15150.\\
7. Näätänen, R., Kujala, T. & Light, G. The Mismatch Negativity (MMN): A window to the brain, 2019. Oxford University Press, New York, USA. ISBN 978-0-19-870507-9. \\
8. Kailaheimo-Lönnqvist, L., Virtala, P., Fandakova, Y., Partanen, E., Leppänen, P.H.T., Thiede, A. & Kujala, T. Infant event-related potentials to speech are associated with prelinguistic development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2020, 45\\
9. Sihvonen, A., Virtala, P., Thiede, A., Laasonen, M. & Kujala, T. Structural white matter connectometry of reading and dyslexia. NeuroImage, 2021, 241, 10 p., 118411.\\
10. Kujala, T.*, Sihvonen, A. J.*, Thiede, A., Palo-oja, P., Virtala, P., Numminen, J. & Laasonen, M. Voxel and surface based whole brain analysis shows reading skill associated grey matter abnormalities in dyslexia. Nature Scientific Reports, 2021, 11:10862, | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89317-x. *Equal contribution.\\
11. Virtala, P., Putkinen, V., Kailaheimo-Lönnqvist, L., Thiede, A., Partanen, E. & Kujala, T. Infancy and early childhood maturation of neural auditory change detection and its associations to familial dyslexia risk. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2022, 137, 159-176.\\
12. Suppanen, E., Winkler, I., Kujala, T. & Ylinen, S. More efficient formation of longer-term representations for word forms at birth can be linked to better language skills at 2 years. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2022, 55, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2022.101113.\\
13. Virtala, P.*, Kujala, T.*, Partanen, E., Hämäläinen, J.A. & Winkler, I. Neural phoneme discrimination in variable speech in newborns – associations with dyslexia risk and later language skills. *Equal contribution. Brain and Cognition, 2023, 168, 105974. \\
14.	Virtala, P., Putkinen, V., Gallen, A., Thiede, A., Trainor, L. J., & Kujala, T. Beneficial effects of a music listening intervention on neural speech processing in 0–28-month-old children at risk for dyslexia. Developmental Science, in press. \\
15.	Kujala, T., Partanen, E., Virtala, P. & Winkler, I. Prerequisites of language acquisition in the newborn brain. Trends in Neurosciences, in press. \\
Published around 160 peer-reviewed articles in international journals; over 13300 citations; h-index: 66 (Google Scholar).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit tkujala}][{ALLOW upload tkujala}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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