!!!Margreth Lünenborg
[{Image src='Lünenborg_Margreth_Querformat Oct 2023_small.jpg'  alt='Margreth Lünenborg' height='220'}]
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* Since 2009 Professor for Media and Communication Studies/Journalism Studies, Freie Universität Berlin 
* 2015 - 2019 Academic Director of Margherita-von-Brentano-Center for Gender Studies at Freie Universität Berlin
* 2009 - 2014 Director of the International Center for Journalists at Freie Universität Berlin
* 2008 - 2009 Professor for Media and Communication, University of Siegen
* 2005 Visiting professor, Institute for Media Studies, University of Siegen
* 2004 - 2005	Visiting professor, University of Vienna, Institute for Media and Communication
* 2002 - 2004	Research Scholarship by German Research Foundation (DFG) 
* 1998 - 2004	Research assistant, University of Leipzig, Institute of Media and Communication Studies
* 1998	Research assistant, Dortmund University, Institute of Journalism Studies
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2023	Invited Visiting Professor at CELSA Sorbonne-Université 
* 2002 - 2004 Research Scholarship for Habilitation (DFG, German Research Foundation)

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Lünenborg_Margreth/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Lünenborg_Margreth/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Lünenborg_Margreth/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Lünenborg_Margreth/OtherInformation]

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