!!Mirella Lapata - Curriculum Vitae

*Professional Service since 2010\\
*Associate editor        Royal  Society  Open  Science  (2019-now),  JAIR (2010-2017),   TACL  (2012–2014),  Transactions  on Speech and Language Processing (2008–2013)\\
*Conference Chair      EACL (2017, 2012), CoNLL (2010), EMNLP (2008).\\
*Area Chair                 ACL (2018), AAAI (2016), ACL-IJCNLP (2015), EMNLP (2011), IJCAI (2011)\\
*President                   SIGDAT; 2016-2018)
__Keynote Talks since 2015__
*2019  20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association , Graz Austria\\
*2019  International Conference on Learning Representations, New Orleans, Louisiana\\
*2017  6th Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (Dalian, China)\\
*2017  55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Vancouver, Canada)\\
*2017  2nd Workshop on Representational Learning (Vancouver, Canada)\\
*2016  3rd Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (Naples).\\
*2015  15th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (Brighton).\\
*2015  14th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (University of the Basque Country)
__Grants and Fellowships since 2015__
*2019  UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Natural Language Processing, EPSRC. £6.8M\\
*2017   Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, £150,000 \\
*2017   MATERIAL: Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language, IARPA. $500,000\\
*2017   Amazon Research Faculty Award, £120,000\\
*2016   Transmodal: Translating from Multiple Modalities into Text, ERC Consolidator Grant. €1.9M
__Awards and Prizes__
*2018  Best paper honourable mention, ACL, Sydney.\\
*2007  Best paper award, EMNLP, Prague\\
*2002  Best paper award, EMNLP, Philadelphia\\
[Up-to-date list of publications|https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/mlap]\\ \\