!!Yan Lavallée - Biography
Yan Lavalée is one of the most productive and influential earth scientists of his generation. He has played a leading role in redefining the physical nature of the transition from magma to rock in volcanic and magmatic systems. \\
Amongst many other prizes and distinctions, he has been awarded:
*the James B. MACELWANE Award of the American Geophysical Union\\
*the Richard WAGER Medal of the International Association of Volcanology and Geochemistry of the Earth´s Interior \\
*the Leopold GELINAS Gold Medal of the Geological Association of CANADA.\\
He held a Starting Grant from the European Research Council on Strain Localisation in Magma (2012-2018) and in 2020 he was awarded a Consolidator Grant on Magma Outgassing during Eruptions and Geothermal exploration.\\
He has also been a primary architect of the Young Academy of Europe.\\ \\