!!Michel Le Moal - Curriculum Vitae
*1968 M.D.\\
*1969 Psychiatrist\\
*1970 Neurologist\\
*1962 Master Biological Sciences\\
*1974 State Doctorate in Sciences\\
*1961 Master in Philosophy
*1969 - 1978 Psychiatrist, University Clinic, Bordeaux\\
*1971 - 1976 Associate Professor, Sciences, Bordeaux University\\
*1976 - 2005 Full Professor, Bordeaux\\
*1993 - 2005 Full Professor, French Academic Institute, Experimental Psychopathology (Paris)\\
*1987 - 2008 Adjunct Professor at the Scripps Institute, Pasadena (San Diego), USA
__Research Institution__\\
Founder of several laboratories oriented towards behavioral neurobiology, adaptive behaviors and experimental psychopathology. They materialized in the François Magendie Institute of Neurosciences (1996, 9000 m2).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mlemoal}][{ALLOW upload mlemoal}][{ALLOW comment All}]