!!Marc Lecuit - Publications

H index: 87 ISI Web of science (all databases); 103 Google scholar\\
337 publications listed in PubMed\\
__Selected list of publications__\\
Charlier C,  Barrault Z, Rousseau J, Kermorvant-DucheminE, Meyzer C, Semeraro M, Fall M, Coulpier G, Leclercq A, Charles MA, Ancel PY, Lecuit M\\
Long-term neurological and neurodevelopmental outcome of neonatal listeriosis in France: a prospective, matched, observational cohort study\\
__Lancet Child Adolesc Health__ 2023 Oct 20:S2352-4642(23)00195-5\\
Pommier JD, Gorman C, Crabol Y, Bleakley K, Sothy H, Santy K, Tran HTT, Nguyen LV, Bunnakea E, Hlaing CS, Aye AMM, Cappelle J, Herrant M, Piola P, Rosset B, Chevalier V, Tarantola A, Channa M, Honnorat J, Pinto AL, Rattanavong S, Vongsouvath M, Mayxay M, Phangmanixay S, Phongsavath K, Tin OS, Kyaw LL, Tin HH, Linn K, Tran TMH, Pérot P, Thuy NTT, Hien N, Phan PH, Buchy P, Dussart P, Laurent D, Eloit M, Dubot-Pérès A, Lortholary O, de Lamballerie X, Newton PN, Lecuit M; SEAe Consortium\\
Childhood encephalitis in the Greater Mekong region (the SouthEast Asia Encephalitis Project): a multicentre prospective study\\
__Lancet Glob Health__ 2022 Jul;10(7):e989-e1002\\
Maudet C, Kheloufi M, Levallois S, Gaillard J, Huang L, Gaultier C, Tsai YH, Disson O, Lecuit M\\
Bacterial inhibition of Fas-mediated killing promotes neuroinvasion and persistence\\
__Nature__ 2022, 603 (7903), 900-906\\
Moura A, Lefrancq N, Leclercq A, Wirth T, Borges V, Gilpin B, Dallman TJ, Frey J, Franz E, Nielsen EM, Thomas J, Pightling A, Howden BP,  Tarr CL, Gerner-Smidt P, Cauchemez S, Salje H, Brisse S, Lecuit M\\
Emergence and global spread of Listeria monocytogenes main clinical clonal complex\\
__Sci Adv__ 2021 Dec 3;7(49):eabj9805\\
Hafner L, Pichon M, Burucoa C, Moura A, Garcia-Garcera M, Lecuit M\\
Listeria monocytogenes faecal carriage is common and depends on the gut microbiota\\
__Nat Commun__ 2021 Nov 24;12(1):6826\\ 
Dias De Melo, G, Lazarini F, Levallois S, Hautefort C, Michel V, Larrous F, Verillaud B, Aparicio C, Wagner S, Gheusi G, Kergoat L, Kornobis E, Cokelaer T, Hervochon R, Madec Y, Roze E, Salmon D, Bourhy H, Lecuit M, Lledo PM\\
COVID-19-related anosmia is associated with viral persistence and inflammation in human olfactory epithelium and brain infection in hamsters\\
__Sci Transl Med__ 2021 Jun 2;13(596):eabf8396\\
Kim M, Fevre C, Lavina M, Disson O, Lecuit M.\\
Live Imaging Reveals Listeria Hijacking of E-Cadherin Recycling as It Crosses the Intestinal Barrier.\\
__Curr Biol__ 2021 Mar 8;31(5):1037-1047.e4\\
Travier L, Alonso M, Andronico A, Hafner L, Disson O, Lledo PM, Cauchemez S, Lecuit M.\\
Neonatal susceptibility to meningitis results from the immaturity of epithelial barriers and gut microbiota.\\
__Cell Rep__ 2021 Jun 29;35(13):109319\\
Thomas J, Govender N, McCarthy KM, Erasmus LK, Doyle TJ, Allam M, Ismail A, Ramalwa N, Sekwadi P, Ntshoe G, Shonhiwa A, Essel V, Tau N, Smouse S, Ngomane HM, Disenyeng B, Page NA, Govender NP, Duse AG, Stewart R, Thomas T, Mahoney D, Tourdjman M, Disson O, Thouvenot P, Maury MM, Leclercq A, Lecuit M, Smith AM, Blumberg LH\\
Outbreak of Listeriosis in South Africa Associated with Processed Meat\\__N Engl J Med__ 2020, 382:632–643\\
Meertens L, Lamine Hafirassou M, Couderc T, Bonnet-Madin L, Kril V, Brugier A, Simon-Loriere E, Burlaud Gaillard J, Doyen C, Pezzi L, Labeau A, Kümmerer B, Vidalain PO, Bertrand Legout A, Gueneau L, Juntas-Morales R, Ben Yao R, Bonne G, de Lamballerie X, Benkirane M, Roingeard P, Delaugerre C, Lecuit M, Amara A\\
HL1A is a major host factor for chikungunya virus infection\\__Nature__ 2019, 574:259–263\\
Buchrieser J, Degrelle SA, Couderc T, Nevers Q, Disson O, Manet C, Donahue DA, Porrot F, Hillion KH, Perthame E, Arroyo MV, Souquere S, Ruigrok K, Dupressoir A, Heidmann T, Montagutelli X, Fournier T*, Lecuit M*, Schwartz O*\\
IFITM proteins inhibit placental syncytiotrophoblast formation and promote fetal demise\\__Science__ 2019 Jul;365 (6449), 176-180\\
Maury, MM, Bracq-Dieye H, Huang L, Vales G, Lavina M, Thouvenot P, Disson O, Leclercq A, Brisse S, Lecuit M\\
Hypervirulent Listeria monocytogenes clones’ adaptation to mammalian gut accounts for their association with dairy products\\__Nat Commun__ 2019 Jun 6;10(1):2488\\
Disson O, Blériot C, Jacob JM, Serafini N, Dulauroy S, Jouvion G, Fèvre C, Gessain G, Thouvenot P, Eberl G, Di Santo J, Lecuit M\\Peyer’s patch myeloid cells infection by Listeria signals through gp38+ stromal cells and locks intestinal villus invasion\\__J Exp Med__ 2018 Nov 5;215(11):2936-2954\\
Gladwyn-Ng I, Cordon Barris L, Alfano C, Creppe C, Couderc T, Morelli G, Thelen N, America M, Bessières B, Encha-Razavi F, Bonnière M, Suzuki IK, Flamand M, Vanderhaeghen P, Thiry M, Lecuit M*, Nguyen L*\\Stress-induced unfolded protein response contributes to Zika virus-associated microcephaly\\__Nat Neurosci__ 2018 Jan;21(1):63-71\\
Charlier C, Perrodeau E, Leclercq A, Cazenave B, Pilmis B, Henry B, Lopes A, Maury M, Moura A, Goffinet F, Bracq Dieye H, Thouvenot P, Ungeheuer MN, Tourdjman M, Goulet V, de Valk H, Lortholary O, Ravaud P, Lecuit M\\Clinical features and prognostic factors of listeriosis: the MONALISA national prospective cohort study\\__Lancet Infect Dis__ 2017 Jan 28. pii: S1473-3099(16)30521-7\\
Moura A, Criscuolo A, Pouseele H, Maury MM, Leclercq A, Tarr C, Björkman JT, Dallman T, Reimer A, Enouf V, Larsonneur E, Carleton H, Bracq-Dieye H, Katz LS, Jones L, Touchon M, Tourdjman M, Walker M, Stroika S, Cantinelli T, Chenal-Francisque V, Kucerova Z, Rocha EPC, Nadon C, Grant K, Nielsen EM, Pot B, Gerner-Smidt P, Lecuit M*, Brisse S*\\Whole genome-based population biology and epidemiological surveillance of Listeria monocytogenes\\__Nat Microbiol__ 2016 Oct 10;2:16185\\
Maury M, Tsai YH, Charlier C, Touchon M, Chenal-Francisque V, Leclercq A, Criscuolo A, Gaultier C, Roussel S, Brisabois A, Disson O, Rocha E, Brisse S, Lecuit M\\Uncovering Listeria monocytogenes hypervirulence by harnessing its biodiversity\\__Nat Genet__ 2016 Mar;48(3):308-13\\
Karlas A, Berre S, Couderc T, Varjak M, Braun P, Meyer M, Gangneux N, Karo-Astover L, Weege F, Raftery M, Schönrich G, Klemm U, Wurzlbauer A, Bracher F, Merits A, Meyer TF, Lecuit M\\A human genome-wide loss-of-function screen identifies effective chikungunya antiviral drugs\\__Nat Commun__ 2016 May 12;7:11320\\
Weaver S, Lecuit M\\Chikungunya virus and the global spread of a mosquito-borne disease\\__N Engl J Med__ 2015 Mar 26;372(13):1231-1239\\
Gessain G, Tsai YH, Travier L, Bonazzi M, Grayo S, Cossart P, Charlier C, Disson O, Lecuit M\\PI3-kinase activation is critical for host barriers permissiveness to Listeria monocytogenes\\__J Exp Med__ 2015 Feb 9;212(2):165-83\\
Blériot C, Dupuis T, Jouvion G, Eberl G. Disson O, Lecuit M\\Liver-resident macrophage necroptosis orchestrates type 1 microbicidal inflammation and type-2-mediated tissue repair during bacterial infection\\__Immunity__ 2015 Jan 20;42(1):145-58\\
Archambaud C, Nahori MA, Soubigou G, Bécavin C, Laval L, Lechat P, Smkvina T, Langella P, Lecuit M*, Cossart P*\\Impact of lactobacilli on orally acquired listeriosis\\__Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A__ 2012;109(41):16684-9\\
Nikitas G, Deschamps C, Disson O, Niault T, Cossart P, Lecuit M\\Transcytosis of Listeria monocytogenes across the intestinal barrier upon specific targeting of goblet cell accessible E-cadherin\\__J Exp Med__ 2011;208(11):2263-77\\
Tazi A, Disson O, Bellais S, Bouaboud A, Dmytruk N, Dramsi S, Mistou M-Y, Khun H, Mechler C, Tardieux I, Trieu-Cuot P, Lecuit M*, Poyart C*\\The surface protein HvgA mediates Group B streptococcus hypervirulence and meningeal tropism in neonates\\__J Exp Med__ 2010 Oct 25;207(11):2313-22\\
Mostowy S, Bonazzi M, Hamon MA, Tham TN, Mallet A, Lelek M, Gouin E, Demangel C, Brosch R, Zimmer C, Sartori A, Kinoshita M, Lecuit M, Cossart P\\Entrapment of intracytosolic bacteria by septin cage-like structures\\__Cell Host Microbe__ 2010, 010 Nov 18;8(5):433-44\\
Schilte C, Couderc T, Chrétien F, Sourisseau M, Gangneux N, Guivel-Benhassine F, Gruber A, Tschopp J, Higgs S, Michault A, Arenzana-Seisdedos F, Colonna M, Schwartz O, Lecuit M*, Albert M*\\Type I IFN controls chikungunya virus via its action on non-hematopoetic cells\\__J Exp Med__ 2010 Feb 15;207(2):429-42\\
Toledo-Arana A, Dussurget O, Nikitas G, Sesto N, Guet-Revillet H, Balestrino D, Loh E, Gripenland J, Tiensuu T, Vaitkevicius K, Barthelemy M, Vergassola M, Nahori M-A, Soubigou G, Régnault B, Coppée J-Y, Lecuit M, Johansson J, Cossart P\\The Listeria transcriptional landscape from saprophytism to virulence\\__Nature__ 2009 Jun 18;459(7249):950-6\\
Disson O, Grayo S, Huillet E, Nikitas G, Langa-Vives F, Dussurget O, Ragon M, Le Monnier A, Babinet C, Cossart P, Lecuit M\\Conjugated action of two species-specific invasion proteins for fetoplacental listeriosis\\__Nature__ 2008 Oct 23;455(7216):1114-8\\
Couderc T, Chrétien F, Schilte C, Disson O, Brigitte M, Guivel-Benhassine F, Touret Y, Barau G, Prévost MC, Schuffenecker I, Desprès P, Arenzana-Seisdedos F, Michault A, Albert ML, Lecuit M\\A mouse model for Chikungunya infection: young age and inefficient type-I interferon signaling are risk factors for severe disease\\__PLOS Pathog__ 2008 4(2): p. e29\\
Gérardin P, Barau G, Michault A, Bintner M, Randrianaivo H, Choker G, Lenglet Y, Touret Y, Bouveret A, Grivard P, Le Roux K, Blanc S, Schuffenecker I, Couderc T, Arenzana-Seisdedos F, Lecuit M*, Robillard PY*\\Multidisciplinary prospective study of mother-to-child chikungunya virus infections on the island of La Réunion\\__PLOS Medicine__ 2008. 5(3): p. e60\\
Lecuit M, Nelson DM, Smith SD, Khun H, Huerre M, Vacher-Lavenu MC, Gordon JI, Cossart P\\Targeting and crossing of the human maternofetal barrier by Listeria monocytogenes: role of internalin interaction with trophoblast E-cadherin\\__Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A__ 2004 Apr 20;101(16):6152-7\\
Lecuit M, Abachin E, Martin A, Poyart C, Pochart P, Suarez F, Bengoufa D, Feuillard J, Lavergne A, Gordon JI, Berche P, Guillevin L, Lortholary O\\Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease associated with Campylobacter jejuni\\__N Engl J Med__ 2004 Jan 15;350(3):239-48\\
Lecuit M, Vandormael-Pournin S, Lefort J, Huerre M, Gounon P, Dupuy C, Babinet C, Cossart P\\A transgenic model for listeriosis: role of internalin in crossing the intestinal barrier\\__Science__ 2001 Jun 1;292(5522):1722-5\\
Lecuit M, Hurme R, Pizarro-Cerda J, Ohayon H, Geiger B, Cossart P\\A role for alpha-and beta-catenins in bacterial uptake\\__Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A__ 2000 Aug 29;97(18):10008-13\\
Lecuit M, Dramsi S, Gottardi C, Fedor-Chaiken M, Gumbiner B, Cossart P\\A single amino acid in E-cadherin responsible for host specificity towards the human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes\\__EMBO J__ 1999 Jul 15;18(14):3956-63