!!!Olli Lehto \\ %%(float:left;margin-left:20px;margin-right:30px;) [{Image src='Olli_Lehto_200.jpg' caption='' height='200' alt='Olli Lehto'}] %% [{AcadMemberDataPlugin}] \\ Olli Lehto passed away December 31, 2020. \\ \\ %%(display:none;) ATTENTION: DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING ABOVE HERE: IF YOU WANT TO INSERT A PHOTO; CHANGE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS OR THE LINK TO YOUR WEBPAGE, PLEASE SEND THIS AS EMAIL TO office@ae-info.org OR LEAVE THE EDITING MODE AND ATTACH THE INFORMATION AS COMMENT!!! %% __Positions Held__ *1993 Chancellor of the University of Helsinki *1983 - 1988 Rector of the University of Helsinki *1978 - 1983 Dean of science at the University of Helsinki, from 1983 the rector, and from 1988 to 1993 the chancellor *1961 - 1988 Professora at the University of Helsinki \\ __Fields of Scholarship__ [{AcadMemberFOScholarshipPlugin}] \\ __Honours and Awards__ *1962 Member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters *1975 Hhonorary title "Academician of Science" (Tieteen akateemikko) *Elected a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society *Member of the Academia Europaea \\ \\ %%columns-900 %%coolborders-140-70 [{Image src='User/paper_content_pencil_48.png' width='48px' class='image_left'}] [Curriculum Vitae |User/Lehto_Olli/CV] %% ---- %%coolborders-140-70 [{Image src='User/book_48.png' class='image_left'}] [Publication list|User/Lehto_Olli/Publications] %% ---- %%coolborders-140-70 [{Image src='User/camera_noflash_48.png' width='48px' class='image_left'}] [Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Lehto_Olli/Highlight] %% ---- %%coolborders-140-70 [{Image src='User/database_48.png' class='image_left'}] [Other information|User/Lehto_Olli/OtherInformation] %% %% [{ALLOW view All}] [{ALLOW edit olehto}] [{ALLOW upload olehto}] [{ALLOW comment All}]