!!Pierre Leopold - Biography

Pierre Léopold graduated from the University of Nice and trained Drosophila developmental genetics as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He then obtained a CNRS starting grant to return to France where he created his own group. He has a current appointment at the University of Nice (Institute of Biology Valrose) as a Research Director for the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM). Over the recent years, he has developed a research interest for the control of tissue growth using Drosophila as a model organism. His work primarily focuses on the understanding of systemic mechanisms controlling organismal growth.  This led him to  dissect some of the organ cross-talks and molecular mechanisms orchestrating the nutritional response and the control of growth. More recently, his laboratory has demonstrated the importance of organ-organ communications in the mechanisms of growth coordination and the determination of final organ size. \\
*1999  National Habilitation for Research Direction (HDR, University of Nice)\\
*1990-1993 Postdoctoral : UCSF, San Francisco; advisor: P. O’Farrell\\
*1982-1989 Graduate: University of Nice; advisor: F. Cuzin\\
*1979-1984 Undergraduate: Ecole Normale Supérieure, Saint Cloud, France
__Professional experience:__
*2005-  Research Director, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)\\
*1988 - 2004 Research Scientist, INSERM\\
*1990 - 1993 Post Doctoral Fellow, UCSF, INSERM/Fogarty\\
*1984 - 1988 Research Assistant, Ligue contre le Cancer, France\\
*1979 - 1984 Ecole Normale Supérieure, Saint Cloud, France
__Research activity:__
*2019 - present  Director of the Genetics and Developmental Biology Unit, Institut Curie, Paris\\
*1998 - 2018 Group Leader, Institute for Biology Valrose (iBV), University of Nice\\
*1993 - 1997 ATIPE CNRS, Villefranche-sur-mer
__Past funding:__
*2017 - 2021 ERC Advanced grant (2.5M€)\\
*2016 - 2017 ARC Labelled team 35000€\\
*2011 - 2016 ERC Advanced grant (2.5M€)\\
*2009 - 2011 FRM research grant (300 000€)\\
*2008 - 2011 ANR research grant (400 000€)\\
*Reviewer for Nature, Cell, Science, Nature Genet., Dev.Cell, Nat.Cell Biol., Genes&Dev., Current Biol., Cell Metab., Development, Dev. Biol., Cell Death Diff., PloS Biology, PlosOne, The Swiss Cancer Ligue (Oncosuisse), The Welcome Trust, The NSF, The French ANR, the ERC\\
*Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Gurdon Institute, Cambridge, UK, and the MRC-LMS, London, UK\\
*Member of evaluation panels for the Crick Institute, London, UK\\
*Board of the French Society for Developmental Biology (SFBD) (2004-2006)\\
*Scientific Board National Research Agency (ANR) Biology (2005-2006, 2015-)\\
*National Selection Committee of the INSERM (2008- 2012)\\
*AERES evaluation committee (member/president) for: Institut Curie, 2008; ENS Paris, 2009; ENS Lyon 2010; IGBMC, Strasbourg, 2012; Institut Curie, 2013, IGFL, Lyon, 2020\\
*Evaluation Committee, Beatson institute, Glasgow, UK (2015)\\
*Member of the Editorial Board of Development, Phil Trans R Soc B.\\ \\