!! Janusz S. Lipkowski - Publications

Number of papers in refereed journals: 305 (updated 2010)\\
Number of communications to scientific meetings: 450 (updated 2009)\\
Books:  (chapters in): 9 \\
__Selected Publications__
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1. Lipkowski J., Suwińska K.  “Molecular modelling as an auxiliary method in solving crystal structures based on diffraction techniques”, in Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry: Springer, 241 (2009) 
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2. Kaczorowski T., Lipkowski J. et al.– “Metal Complexes of Cinchonine as Chiral Building Blocks: A Strategy for the Construction of Nanotubular Architectures and Helical Coordination Polymers”- ''J. Am. Chem. Soc'', __131__, (2009), 5393
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3. Lewiński J., Śliwiński W., Dranka M., Justyniak I., Lipkowski J. - "Reactions of R2Zn(L) Complexes with Dioxygen: A New Look at an Old Problem" - ''Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.'' 2006, (__29__), 4826-4829
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4. Lewiński J., Bury W., Justyniak I., Lipkowski J. - "Efficient Route to Tetramethylalumoxane and Novel Carboxylate Alumoxanes Through the Alkylation of Phthalic Acid" - ''Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.'' 2006, __45__, 2872-2875
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5. Lipkowski J. - "Hydrophobic hydration - ecological aspects" - ''J. Therm. Anal. Cal''., (2006) __3__, 525-531
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6. Marin G., Kravtsov V., Simonov Yu.A., Tudor V., Lipkowski J., Andruh M. - "Coordination Polymers Constructed fcrom Alkoxo-Bridged Nodes and Exo-Bidentate Ligands" - ''J. Mol. Struct.'' __796__, 123-128 (2006)
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7. Prodius D., Turta C., Mereacre V., Shova S., Gdaniec M., Simonov Y., Lipkowski J., Kuncser V., Filoti G., Caneschi A. - "Synthesis, structure and properties of heterotrinuclear carboxylate complexes (Fe%%sub 2/% M(Ca, Sr, Ba)O(CCl%%sub 3/% COO)%%sub 6/% (THF)%%sub n/%)" - ''Polyhedron'' __25__(10), (2006), 2175-2182
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8. Ganin E., Gelmboldt V.O., Koroeva L.V., Fonari M.S., Simonov Y.A., Lipkowski J., Kotlyar S.A., Kamalov G.L. - "Structure of Dibenzocrown Ethers and their H-bonded adducts. 3. Isolation of Oxonium Ions by Biphenyl-20-crown-6 and [[1.5]Dibenzo-18-Crown-6 in Complexes with [[NbF6]- and [[TaF6]-" - ''J. Incl. Phenom. and Macrocycl. Chem.'' __56__ (2006), 345-354 
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9.Suwińska K., Lipkowski J., Dyadin Yu.A., Komarov V.Yu., Terekhova I.S., Rodionova T.V., Manakov A.Yu. - "Clathrate Formation in the Water-Tetraisoamylammonium Propionate System: X-ray Structural Analysis of the Clathrate (i-C%%sub 5/% H%%sub 11/%)%%sub 4/% NC%%sub 2/% H%%sub 5/% CO%%sub 2/%.36H%%sub 2/% O) - ''J. Incl. Phenom. and Macrocycl. Chem''. 331-335 (2006)
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10. Brefuel N, Shova S, Lipkowski J, Tuchagues JP. - "Fe-II bi-stable materials based on dissymmetrical ligands: N-%%sub 4/% Schiff bases including 2-pyridyl and 5-methylimidazol-4-yl rings yield various Fe-II spin-crossover phenomena around 300 K" - ''Chem. Mater.'' __18__ (23), 5467-5479, (2006)
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11. Steed J.W., Goeta A.E., Lipkowski J., Świerczyński D., Pantelon V., Handa S. - "Templated crystal nucleation: mixed crystals of very different copper(II) N,N',N" -trimethyltriazacyclononane complexes" -'' Chem. Comm.'' (2007) 813-815''
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12. Lewiński J., Dranka M., Bury W., Śliwiński W., Justyniak I., Lipkowski J. - "From Discrete Linear ZntBu2 Molecules to 1D Coordination Polymers and 2D Fabrics" - ''J. Am. Chem. Soc. '', 2007, __129__, 3096-3098