!!Karen Luker - Publications
H index: (Scopus) 37, 52 (Google Scholar)\\
Strategies, facilitators and barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice in community nursing: a systematic mixed studies review and qualitative synthesis. (Mathieson  A, Grande G & Luker K.A.) Primary Health Care Research and Development (2018) doi.org/10.1017/S1463423423618000488\\
Quality care as ethical care: a post-structural analysis of palliative and supportive district nursing care (Nagington M, Walshe K & Luker KA) Nursing Inquiry (2015) doi: 10.1111/nin.12109\\
Development and Evaluation of an Intervention to Support Family Caregivers of People with Cancer to Provide Home-based Care at the End of Life:  a Feasibility Study (Luker K.A., Cooke M., Dunn L., Lloyd Williams M., Pilling M. & Todd C.) European Journal of Oncology Nursing (2015), 19(2), 154-161, doi: 10.1016/j.ejon.2014.09.006 \\
A UK survey of the impact of cancer on employment (Luker K.A., Campbell M., Amir Z. & Davies L.) Occupational Medicine, (2013), doi:  10.1093/occmed/kqt104  This survey undertaken for Macmillan Cancer Support formed part of the evidence underpinning the change in the Equality Act to include cancer\\
G.P referral of patients with osteoarthritis for consideration of joint replacement. A longitudinal study (McHugh G.A., Campbell M. & Luker K.A.) British Journal of General Practice (2011) e459, August\\
Return to work after cancer in the UK:  Attitudes and experiences of line managers (Amir Z., Wynn P., Chan F., Strauser D., Whitaker S. & Luker K.A.) Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation (2010) 20, 435-442 This  study  undertaken for Macmillan Cancer Support formed part of the evidence underpinning the change in the Disability Act to include cancer.\\
Economic evaluation of a randomized clinical trial of hospital versus telephone follow-up after treatment for breast cancer (Beaver K., Hollingworth W., McDonald R., Dunn G., Tysver-Robinson D., Thomson L., Hindley A., Susnerwala S. & Luker K.A.)  British Journal of Surgery (2009) 96, 1406-1415 Following this trial telephone follow-up was implemented for low risk women.\\
Effectiveness of a home care nursing programme in the symptom management of patients with colorectal and breast cancer receiving oral chemotherapy:  a randomised controlled trial (Molassiotis A., Brearley S., Saunders M., Craven O., Wardley A., Farrell C., Swindell R., Todd C. & Luker K.A.) Journal of Clinical Oncology (2009) 27(36), 6191-6198  Home Chemotherapy is now a routine option for some patients.\\
Prescribing by specialist nurses in cancer and palliative care:  results of a national survey (Ryan-Woolley B., McHugh G., & Luker K.A.) Palliative Medicine (2007) 21, 273-277  \\
Decision Making: The Context of Nurse Prescribing, (Luker K.A., Hogg C., Austin L., Ferguson B. & Smith K.) Journal of Advanced Nursing (1998a) Vol. 27, pp 657 – 665  This paper is included because the project commissioned by the Department of Health and report on which the paper  is  based provided evidence to the Department of Health which informed changing the prescribing legislation  to include Nurses and subsequently other non medical prescribers.