!!Torkild Hovde Lyngstad - Biography
Lyngstad, a Professor at age 36, is a leading sociologist and demographer at the University of Oslo, Norway. His fields include family demography, the sociology of social stratification and social science genetics. \\
Lyngstad obtained a PhD in demography in 2007. He was offered a permanent position at the University of Oslo before his term a postdoctoral research fellow expired in 2011.\\
He has spent time at various other institutions, including the European University Institute (2022), University of California-Berkeley (2018 - 2019), Université-Paris (Sorbonne; Groupe d’Etude des Méthodes de l’Analyse Sociologique) (2011), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA; 2010), Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (2007), and the Vienna Institute for Demography (2005 - 2006).\\
His scientific work counts a large number (40+) of articles published in peer-reviewed international scientific journals (see publication list in CV), on topics ranging from family demography through social stratification and sociology of education to epidemiology and the sociology of sport. He has also edited journal special issues, and published a number of book chapters, Norwegian-language journal articles,  book review, popular commentary, and opinion pieces.\\
In 2018, he was awarded an ERC Consolidator grant to continue to work on the intersection between sociology, demography and genetics. He has also received funding from various Norwegian and Nordic funders.\\
He is an experienced teacher, with a broad portfolio. He has supervised a large number of students, including a large number of doctoral students on a range of topics. Regularly, he is asked to review doctoral work from other universities (including institutions in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Finland). \\
Lyngstad is a member of the board of the Holberg Prize (a 6.5M academic prize in social sciences, humanities, theology and law). He has reviewed funding applications for the Bank of Sweden Memorial fund (RJ), the European Research Council and many other agencies.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit tlyngstad}][{ALLOW upload tlyngstad}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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