!!Sharon Macdonald - Selected Publications
Sharon Macdonald 2024 ‘Perspectivity and anthropological engagements in heritage-making. Challenges from the Humboldt Forum, Berlin’, in Emma Gilberthorpe (ed.) Anthropological Perspectives on Global Challenges. ASA volume. London: Routledge. Based on a keynote lecture for the Annual Association of Social Anthropology conference. \\
Duane Jethro and Sharon Macdonald 2024, ‘Difficult heritage at the door. Doing heritage research in precarious times’, in Nick Shepherd (ed.) Resilient Heritage: Rethinking Heritage in Precarious Times, pp. 204¬–18. London: Routledge.\\
Sharon Macdonald (ed.) 2023, Doing Diversity in Museums and Heritage. A Berlin Ethnography, Bielefeld: transcript. Pp.312. Includes introduction, afterword and chapter by Sharon Macdonald. Major research product of Alexander von Humboldt project funding.\\
Sharon Macdonald 2023, ‘National showing off and telling off. Reflections from the Ethnological Museum in Germany’s Humboldt Forum’, Museum Worlds, 11: 1–18.\\
Katarzyna Puzon, Sharon Macdonald and Mirjam Shatanawi (eds) 2021, Islam and Heritage in Europe: Past Developments and Future Possibilities, Abingdon: Routledge. Includes joint introduction and chapter. \\
Rodney Harrison, Caitlin DeSilvey, Cornelius Holtorf, Sharon Macdonald, Nadia Bartolini, Esther Breithoff, Harald Fredheim, Antony Lyons, Sarah May, Jennie Morgan and Sefryn Penrose 2020, Heritage Futures. Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices, London: UCL Press, 525 pp. Includes joint introduction, conclusion and several chapters. Shortlisted for European Association of Archaeology book prize.\\
Jennie Morgan and Sharon Macdonald 2020, ‘Degrowing museum collections for new heritage futures’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 26(1): 56–70. Republished in 2021 as: ‘Faire décroitre les collections pour le patrimoine du future’, Culture et Musées. Museologie et Recherches sur la Culture, 37: 163–196.\\
Sharon Macdonald, Christine Gerbich and Margareta von Oswald 2018, ‘No museum is an island: ethnography beyond methodological containerism’, Museum and Society, 16 (2): 138–56.\\
Sharon Macdonald and Helen Rees Leahy (general editors) 2015, International Handbooks in Museum Studies, four volumes. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2624 pp.\\
Sharon Macdonald 2013, Memorylands: Heritage and Identity in Europe Today, London: Routledge, 293 + xiv pp. Cited over 1000 times. Translated into Polish and with a new afterword, 2021, Krainy pamieci O dziedictwie I tozsamosci we wspolczesnej Europie, Krakow: Miedzynarodowe Centrum Kultury. Chinese translation underway. Cited over 100 times.\\
Sharon Macdonald 2009, Difficult Heritage: Negotiating the Nazi Past in Nuremberg and Beyond, London: Routledge, 231 + vii pp. Cited over 1000 times\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit smacdonald}][{ALLOW upload smacdonald}][{ALLOW comment All}]