!!Barbara Maher - Curriculum Vitae
__Present Appointment:__ 
*2021 Professor Emerita, University of Lancaster
__Previous Appointments:__
*2000 - 2021	Professor & Director, Centre for Environmental Magnetism & Palaeomagnetism, Lancaster Environment Centre, University of Lancaster \\
*1987 - 2000 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia \\
*1985 - 1987 Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (Natural Environment Research Council, Department of Geophysics, Edinburgh University
__Awards:	__	
*2023	Distinguished Lecturer, American Geophysical Union (AGU) College of Fellows\\
*2021 Edward Bullard Lecturer, AGU,  ‘to recognize distinguished scientists with proven leadership in their fields of science’\\
*2020		Fellowship of the AGU, for ‘Outstanding contributions to understanding fine-particle magnetism, ancient monsoons, global dust cycles, and atmospheric particulate pollution’\\
*2014		Schlumberger (now Neumann) Award, The Mineralogical Society of Great Britain & Ireland, for ‘scientific excellence in mineralogy and its applications’\\
*2013		Pilkington Teaching Prize, ‘to acknowledge excellence in teaching’\\
*2006 - 2012	Royal Society-Wolfson Research Merit Award, for ‘Environmental magnetism: innovative problem-solving in climate change and pollution’\\
*2005 The Charles Chree (now Appleton) Medal and Prize, Institute of Physics, for ’Pioneering contributions to the study of magnetic signals from the geological record as a means of determining climatic changes’
__Distinctions/Leadership Roles:__
*2019 College of Expert Reviewers, European Science Foundation \\
*2018 Smith Distinguished Lecturer, University of Michigan\\
*2014 Panel member, UK Research Excellence Framework\\
*2008 - 2011	Vice-President, Quaternary Research Association \\
*2012 - 2015	Leader, Dust and Climate Working Groups, 35 scientists from 13 countries\\
*2007 - 2012	(International Association for Quaternary Research and NERC)\\
*2002 - 2006, 2006 - 2008 	Uniquely, elected twice as Chair, Rock Magnetism Group, International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy \\
*1999 Royal Institution Lecturer, ‘Science for the New Century’ series\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit bmaher}][{ALLOW upload bmaher}][{ALLOW comment All}]