!!Anders Malmberg - Selected publications
2011: Brain circulation and flexible adjustment: Labour mobility as a cluster advantage. Geografiska Annaler Series B Human Geography, Vol. 93(1): 21-39. (with D. Bienkowska and M. Lundmark)\\ \\
2010: An evolutionary approach to localized learning and spatial clustering. In: Ron Boschma and Ron Martin (eds) The handbook of evolutionary economic geography, Cheltenhamn, UK & Northampton, MA, US: Edward Elgar, pp. 391-405 (with P Maskell)\\ \\
2009: The Spaces and Places of Swedish Fashion, European Planning Studies Vol 17 (4), pp 529-547 (with A Hauge & D Power)\\ \\
2009: Localised Clusters in Global Networks. In: Regional Economies in a Globalising World. Cardiff: Institute of Welsh Affairs, pp 4-16.\\ \\
2009: Agglomeration. In: Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift  (eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Oxford, Elseview, pp 48-53.\\ \\
2009: The evolution of path dependence. In: Lars Magnusson and Jan Ottosson (eds). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 87-107.\\ \\
2008: The contribution of universities to innovation and economic development: in what sense a regional problem? Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society Vol 1(2), pp 233-245 (with D Power)\\ \\
2007: Myopia, knowledge development and cluster evolution. Journal of Economic geography, Vol. 7 (5), pp 603-618 (with P. Maskell)\\ \\
2007: What is global and what is local in knowledge-generating interaction? The case of the biotech cluster in Uppsala, Sweden. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development Vol. 19 (2), pp. 137-159 (with A. Waxell)\\ \\
2007: Spatial clustering, local accumulation of knowledge and firm competitiveness. In: Javonovic, M.N. (ed.) Economic Integration and spatial location of firms and industries, Vol II Agglomeration and Clusters. Chletenhamn, UK and Northamption, MA: Elgar. (with Ö. Sölvell and I. Zander). Reprint of paper previously published in Geografiska Annaler.\\ \\
2006: Building Global Knowledge Pipelines: The Role of Temporary Clusters. European Planning Studies Vol. 14, No. 8, September pp. 997-1013 (with P. Maskell and H. Bathelt)\\ \\
2006: Localized learning revisited. Growth and Change: Journal of Urban and Regional Policy 37 (1), pp. 1-18 (with P. Maskell)\\ \\
2005: (How) do (firms in) clusters create knowledge? Industry and Innovation 12 (4), pp. 409-431 (with D. Power).\\ \\
2004: Clusters and knowledge: Local buzz, global pipelines and the process of knowledge creation. Progress in Human Geography 28,1: 31-56 (with H. Bathelt & P. Maskell)\\ \\
2003: Subsidiary impact on host-country economies—case of foreign owned subsidiaries attracting investment to Sweden. Journal of Economic Geography 3: 389-408 (with U. Holm and Ö. Sölvell)\\
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The candidate is often cited by colleagues. Web of Science: H index 15, around 2500 citations, Google Scholar around 8000 citations.