!!Tomas Marques-Bonet - Biography
Dr. Marques-Bonet is a Full Professor at the University Pompeu Fabra. He received the EMBO Young Investigator award in 2013 and has served on scientific councils for LABEX CeMEB in Montpellier, and CENIEH (Center for Human Evolution). From 2016 to 2020, he directed the Institute of Evolutionary Biology and is currently an advisor for Flomics (Spain) and Colossal Genomics (USA). Additionally, he is a panelist for the European Research Council.\\
He has been granted different awards and grants, including the HHMI Early International Career Award, two ERC grants (Starting Grant 2010 and Consolidator Grant 2019), two NIH R01 grants (2016 and 2019), and support from Revive&Restore (2023). He is now the External Scientific Panel for the developmental gTEX (NIH). He serves on the External Scientific Panel for developmental gTEX (NIH) and holds an European patent (EP22382590, 2022). In 2019 he created the Cryozoo, an infrastructure from the Barcelona Zoo for banking animal cell lines (UPF, Museum of Natural Science in Barcelona and EMBL are now partners).\\
His research focuses on genome diversity in primates and other species, human-specific genomics features, and the evolution of epigenetics and gene regulation. He has mentored 10 PhD students and 5 postdocs, many of whom have successful careers in academia. He has been organizer of different symposia, including Chair organizer of the EMBO Young Investigator meeting in 2015 in Barcelona. \\
With  over 200 peer-reviewed publications including 40 papers in prestigious journals like Nature, Cell, and Science (1 as a first author and seven as a senior author) he has published 40 manuscripts with senior authorship in journals such as Nature, Science, Genome Research, Plos Genetics, NAR or Genome Biology. In 2023, he led a Special Issue in Science on primate genomics, with 5 manuscripts, 3 of which he authored as a corresponding author.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit tmarques-bonet}][{ALLOW upload tmarques-bonet}][{ALLOW comment All}]