!!Markus Messling - Biography
Markus Messling is full professor at Saarland University since 2019 where he holds the chair of Romance Literatures and Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies. Since April 2024, he is the director of the Käte Hamburger Center for Research on Cultural Practices of Reparation (CURE), an Institute for Advanced Study funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Before this, he was vice director of the Franco-German Centre Marc Bloch (2015-2019), and also professor of Romance Literatures at HU Berlin (2018-2019). Messling holds a Dr phil in Romance Philology from FU Berlin (2007), and a habilitation in Romance Philology and Comparative Literature from Universität Potsdam (2015). He was fellow of the School of Advanced Study/University of London (2014), visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge (2014), and held visiting professorships at EHESS Paris (2011, 2015) and Kobe University JPN (2016).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mmessling}][{ALLOW upload mmessling}][{ALLOW comment All}]