!!Luisa Migliorati - Curriculum Vitae
Archaeologist, past professor at Rome Sapienza University, Dept. of Ancient World Studies (assignments of ancient Topography, Cartography and Urbanism) until 2022, when she retired.\\
Past Coordinator of Ancient Topography curriculum in PhD Archaeology School in Sapienza and Director of the Dept. Laboratory of Cartography\\
At present, professor of Ancient Topography at UNITELMA – Rome Sapienza University and Member of its Master's Degree Course Classical Archaeology Teaching Board  \\
Since 2015: scheduled teaching in Ancient Urbanism at Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán – Architecture \\
Member of the Maestría en Conservación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico (MCPA-Faculty of Aarchitecture of Universidad Autónoma de Yucatan)\\
Director of the Italian section of the international enterprise Tabula Imperii Romani-Forma Orbis Romani (patronage of UAI and UAN)\\
Past director of several international projects, among which: \\
Colonial  Urbanism   between  Antiquity   and   Modern  Age (Rome Sapienza-Universidad Autónoma  de Yucatán), involving students’ participation\\
Old/New World: knowledge and methodology in comparison (Rome Sapienza-Universidad Nacional Autónoma  de México)\\
Member of the Selection Committee for Restoration and museum re-functionalisation of the F. Savini archaeological museum (Teramo – I)\\
Consultant for archaeology, restoration, musealization enterprises\\
Past member of the Dept. Committee and of the Supervision Committee of Lettere e Filosofia-Sapienza,\\
Past Director of the Degree course in Archaeology-Sapienza \\
In 2009 she was awarded the International Price “Sebetia-Ter” for Archaeology, silver plaque of the President of the Italian Republic\\
Co-representative (with Piero Tiano from National Research Council) of the Management Committee for Italy in COST Action TD1406 (Innovation in Intelligent Management of Heritage Buildings, 2015-2019)\\
Vice-President of CIPSH and member of the Board of WPU and of the Board of the UAI. \\
Corresponding Member of Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia and Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani\\
Supervisor of 2 MSCA projects: Tetrastylon: ancient housing and in the Mediterranean basin; Mayurb: colonial urbanism in Mesoamerica \\
Among ongoing field activities (excavations and surveys): Peltuinum Roman town (L’Aquila- Abruzzi-I); the Agrippa Bath in Rome\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit lmigliorati}][{ALLOW upload lmigliorati}][{ALLOW comment All}]