!!Helmut Moritz

[Obituary|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Helmut Moritz (1933 - 2022)], Hans Sünkel
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!Curriculum Vitae

*1951 - 1956 study of geodesy, Graz University of Technology (TUG); 
*1959 Dr.techn. (TUG); main research topics: physical geodesy, gravitational field, inverse problems in geodesy and geophysics; 
*since 1955 various positions at TUG, Geodetic Service of Austria, Ohio State University, Technical University Hannover, and Wuhan University; 
*1964 - 1971 Professor of Physical Geodesy at Technical University Berlin; 
*1971 Professor of Geodesy, TUG; 
*2002 Emeritus.
__Honorary Doctorates:__
*Dr.-Ing.h.c., Technische Universität München, 1981
*D.Sc.h.c., The Ohio State University, 1992
*Dr.h.c., University of Geodesy and Cartography, Moscow, 1994
Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and of 10 foreign Academies. 
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__International Activities:__
*1979 - 1983 President of the International Association of Geodesy;
*1991 - 1995 President of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics;
*1998 - 2002 Director General of the Inter-University Center Dubrovnik;
*1998 - 2006 President of the International League of Humanists. 
[Festschrift on the occation of Helmut Moritz' 75th birthday|moritz_helmut_festschrift.pdf] (in German)