!!Heini Murer - List of Publications
__Original papers 2002 – present__
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Köhler K, Forster IC, Stange G, Biber J and Murer H: Identification of functionally important sites in the first intracellular loop of the Na/Pi-IIa cotransporter. Am J Physiol 282:F687-F696, 2002
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Forster IC, Köhler K, Stange G, Biber J and Murer H: Modulation of renal type IIa Na+/Pi-cotransporter kinetics by the arginine modifier phenylglyoxal. J Mem Biol 187:85-96, 2002
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Ehnes C, Forster IC, Köhler K, Biber J and Murer H: Functional studies on a split type II Na/Pi-cotransporter. J Mem Biol 188:227-236, 2002
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Murer H, Köhler K, Lambert G, Stange G, Biber J, Forster I: The renal type IIa Na/Pi-cotransporter: structure/function relationships. Cell Biochem Biophys 36:215-220, 2002
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Bagorda A, Guerra L, Di Sole F, Helmle Kolb C, Reshkin SJ, Gisler S, Murer H and Casavola V: Reciprocal PKA regulatory interactions between CFTR and NHE3 in a renal polarized epithelial cell model. J Biol Chem 277(24):21480-21488, 2002
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Hernando N, Deliot N, Gisler S, Lederer E, Weinman EJ, Biber J and Murer H: PDZ-domain interactions and apical expression of type IIa Na/Pi-cotransporters. Proc Natl Acad Sci 99:11957-11692, 2002
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Köhler K, Forster IC, Stange G, Biber J and Murer H: Transport function of the renal type IIa Na+/Pi cotransporter is co-determined by residues in two opposing linker regions: evidence that uniport and cotransport modes share the same pathway, J Gen Physiol 120:693-705, 2002
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Bacic D, Schulz N, Biber J, Kaissling B, Murer H and Wagner CA: Involvement of the MAPK-kinase pathway in the PTH mediated regulation of the proximal tubule type IIa Na+/Pi cotransporter in mouse kidney. Pflug Arch Eur J Phy 446:52-60, 2003
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Köhler K, Forster IC, Stange G, Biber J and Murer H: Essential cysteine residues of the type IIa Na+/Pi cotransporter. Pflug Arch Eur J Phy 446:203-210, 2003
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Khadeer MA, Tang Z, Eiden MV, Murer H, Hernando N, Tenenhouse HS, Weinman EJ, Ramesh V, Chellaiah MA and Gupta A: Na+-dependent Phosphate-cotransporters in the Osteoclast: Cellular distributions and protein interactions Am J Phyiolol 284: C1633-C1644, 2003
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Bacic D, Capuano P, Gisler SM, Pribanic S, Christensen EI, Biber J, Loffing J, Kaissling B, Wagner CA and Murer H: Impaired PTH-induced endocytotic down-regulation of the renal type IIa Na+/Pi-cotransporter in RAP deficient mice with reduced megalin expression. Pflug Arch Eur J Phy 446:475-484, 2003
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Pribanic S, Gisler SM, Bacic D, Madjdpour C, Hernando N, Sorribas V, Gantenbein A, Biber J and Murer H: Interactions of MAP17 with the NaPi-IIa/PDZK1 protein complex in renal proximal tubular cells. Am J Physiol 285:784-791, 2003
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Radanovic T, Murer H and Biber J: Expression of the Na/Pi-cotransporter type IIb in Sf9 cells: functional characterization and purification, J Mem Biol 194:91-96, 2003
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Gisler SM, Pribanic S, Bacic D, Forrer P, Sabourin LA, Tsuji A, Zhao Z, Manser E, Biber J and Murer H: PDZK1: I. A major scaffolder in brush borders of proximal tubular cells, Kidney Int 64(5):1733-1745, 2003
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Gisler SM, Madjdpour C, Pribanic S, Bacic D, Taylor SS, Biber J and Murer H: PDZK1: II. An anchoring site for the PKA-binding protein D-AKAP2 in renal proximal tubular cells, Kidney Int, 64(5):1746-1754, 2003
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Pribanic S, Loffing J, Madjdpour C, Bacic D, Gisler S, Braunewell K-H, Biber J and Murer H: Expression of visinin-like protein – 3 (VILIP-3) in mouse kidney, Nephron/Physiology 95:76-82, 2003
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Virkki L, Forster IC, Hernando N, Biber J and Murer H: Functional characterization of two naturally occuring mutations in the human sodium-phosphate cotransporter type IIa. J Bone Miner Res 18(12):2135-2141, 2003
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Di Sole F, Cerull R, Babich V, Quiñones H, Gisler SM, Biber J, Murer H, Burckhardt G, Helmle-Kolb C and Moe OW: Acute Regulation of Na/H Exchanger NHE3 by Adenosine A1 receptors is Mediated by Calcineurin Homolgous Protein (CHP). J Biol Chem 279:2962-2974, 2004
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Bachmann S, Schlichting U, Geist B, Mutig K, Petsch T, Bacic D, Wagner CA., Kaissling B, Biber J, Murer H and Willnow TE: Kidney-specific inactivation of the megalin gene impairs trafficking of renal inorganic sodium phosphate cotransporter (NaPi-IIa). J Am Soc Nephrol 15:892-900, 2004
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Madjdpour C, Bacic D, Kaissling B, Murer H and Biber J: Segment-specific Expression of Sodium-Phosphate Cotransporters NaPi IIa and -IIc and Interacting Proteins in Mouse Renal Proximal Tubules, Pflug Arch Eur J Phy 448:402-410, 2004
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Palmada M, Dieter M, Speil A, Böhmer C, Mack AF, Wagner HJ, Klingel K, Kandolf R, Murer H, Biber J, Closs EI and Lang F: Regulation of intestinal phosphate cotransporter NaPiIIb by ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 and by serum and glucocoriticoid-dependent kinase SGK1. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 287:143-150, 2004
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Ehnes C, Forster IC, Koehler K, Bacconi A, Stange G, Biber J and Murer H: Structure-function relations of the first and fourth predicted extracellular linkers of the type IIa Na+/Pi cotransporter: I. Cysteine Scanning Mutagenesis J Gen Physiol 124:475-488, 2004
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Ehnes C, Forster IC, Bacconi A, Kohler K, Biber J and Murer H: Structure-function relations of the 1st and 4th predicted extracellular linkers of the type IIa Na+/Pi cotransporter: II. Substrate Interaction and voltage dependency of tow functionally important sites. J Gen Physiol 124:489-503, 2004
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Capuano P, Radanovic T, Wagner CA, Bacic D, Kato S, Uchiyama Y, St-Arnoud R, Murer and Biber J: Intestinal and renal adaptation to a low-Pi diet of type II Na-Pi cotransporters in Vitamin D receptor- and 1-OHase-deficient mice. Am J Physiol Cell Physiology 288: C429-434, 2005
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Radanovic T, Wagner CA, Murer H and Biber J: Regulation of intestinal phosphate transport: I. Segmental expression and adaptation to phosphate deprivation of type IIb Na/Pi-cotransporter in mouse small intestine. Am J Physiol 288:496-500, 2005
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Stauber A, Radanovic T, Stange G, Murer H, Wagner CA and Biber J: Regulation of intestinal phosphate transport: II. Metabolic acidosis stimulates Na+-dependent phosphate absorption and expression of Na/Pi-cotransporter NaPi-IIb in small intestine. Am J Physiol 288:501-506, 2005
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Bacic D, Capuano P, Baum M, Zhang J, Stange G, Biber J, Kaissling B, Moe OW, Wagner CA and Murer H: Activation of dopamine D1-like receptors induces acute internalization of the renal Na+/phosphate cotransporter NaPi-IIa in mouse kidney and OK-cells. Am J Physiol 288:740-747, 2005
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Capuano P, Bacic D, Stange G, Hernando N, Kaissling B, Pal R, Kocher O, Biber J, Wagner CA and Murer H: Expression and regulation of the renal Na/Phosphate cotransporter NaPi-IIa in a mouse model deficient for the PDZ Protein PDZK1, Pflug Arch Eur J Phy 499:392-402, 2005
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Virkki L, Forster IC, Biber J and Murer H: Substrate interactions in the human type II sodium-phosphate cotransporter (NaPi-IIa), Am J Physiol 288(5):F969-981, 2005
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Frei P, Gao B, Stieger B, Hagenbuch B, Mate A, Biber J, Murer H and Meier PJ: Identification and Localization of Sodium/Phosphate cotransporters in Hepatocytes and Cholangiocytes of Rat Liver. Gastroenterology 288(4):G771-778, 2005
Deliot N, Hernando N, Liu-Horst Z, Gisler SM, Capuano P. Wagner CA, Bacic D, O’Brien S, Biber J and Murer H: Parathyroid hormone treatment induces dissociation of type IIa Na+-Pi cotransporter-Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor-1 complexes. Am J Physiol 289:C159-167, 2005
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Bacconi A, Virkki LV, Biber J, Murer H and Forster IC: Renouncing electroneutrality is not free of charge: switching on electrogenicity in a Na+-coupled phosphate cotransporter, Proc Natl Acad Sci 30;102(35):12606-11, 2005
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Virkki LV, Forster IC, Bacconi A, Biber J and Murer H: Functionally important residues in the third transmembrane domain of the type IIa sodium-phosphate cotransporter (NaPi-IIa), J Mem Biol 206(3):227-238, 2005, erschienen Feb 2006.
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Berndt T, Bielesz B, Craig TA, Tebben PJ, Bacic D, Wagner CA, O’Brien S, Schiavi S, Biber J, Murer H and Kumar R: Secreted frizzled related Protein-4 reduces sodium-phosphate co-transporter abundance and activity in proximal tubule cells, Pflug Arch Eur J Phy 451(4):579-587, 2006
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Honegger K, Capuano P, Winter C, Bacic D, Stange G, Wagner CA, Biber J, Murer H and Hernando N: Regulation of Sodium-Proton Exchanger NHE3 by PKA and EPAC, Proc Natl Acad Sci 3;103:803-808, 2006
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Marks J, Srai SK, Biber J, Murer H, Unwin RJ and Debnam ES: Intestinal phosphate absorption and the effect of Vitamin D: a comparison of rat with mouse, Exp Physiol 91(3): 531-537, 2006
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Bacic D, LeHir M, Biber J, Kaissling B, Murer H and Wagner CA: The renal Na+/Phosphate cotransporter NaPi-IIa is internalized via the receptor-mediated endocytic route in response to parathyroid hormone. Kidney Int 69(3): 495-503, 2006
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Virkki L, Murer H and Forster IC: Voltage clamp fluorometric measurements on a type II Na+-coupled Pi cotransporter: Shedding light on substrate binding order, J Gen Phys 127(5): 539-555, 2006
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Bielesz B, Bacic D, Honegger K, Biber J, Wagner CA and Murer H: Unchanged expression of the sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporter NaPi-IIa despite diurnal changes in renal phosphate excretion, Pflug Arch Eur J Phy 452(6):683-689, 2006
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Virkki L, Murer H and Forster IC: Mapping conformational changes of a type IIb Na+/Pi cotransporter by voltage clamp fluorometry. J Biol Chem 281(39):28837-28849, 2006
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Patzer L, Hernando N, Ziegler U, Beck-Schimmer B, Biber J and Murer H: Ifosfamide metabolites CAA, 4-OH-Ifo and Ifo-mustard reduce apical phosphate transport by changing NaPi-IIa in OK cells, Kidney Int 70(10):1725-34, 2006
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Radanovic T, Gisler SM, Biber J and Murer H: Topology of the type IIa Na+/Pi-cotransporter, J Mem Biol 212(1): 41-49, 2006
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Forster I, Virkki L, Bossi E, Murer H and Biber J: Electrogenic Kinetics of a Mammalian Intestinal Type IIb Na+/Pi cotransporter, J Mem Biol 212 (3): 177-190, 2007
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Lundquist P, Murer H and Biber J: Type II Na+-Pi cotransporters in osteoblast mineral formation: regulation by inorganic phosphate, Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 19:43-56, 2007
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Capuano P, Bacic D, Roos M, Gisler SM, Stange G, Biber J, Kaissling B, Weinman EJ, Shenolikar S, Wagner CA and Murer H: Defective coupling of apical PTH-receptors to phospholipase C prevents internalization of the Na+/phosphate Cotransporter NaPi-IIa in NHERF1 deficient mice. Am J Physiol, Cell Physiol 292:927-934, 2007
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Bacconi A., Ravera S., Virkki L., Murer H and Forster IC: Temperature-dependency of steady-state and presteady-state kinetics of a type Iib Na+/Pi cotransporter, J Mem Biol
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Marks J, Churchill LJ, Srai SK, Biber J, Murer H, Debnam ES and Unwin RJ: Intestinal phosphate absorption in a rat model of chronic renal failure (CRF), Kindney Int Epub
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Ravera S, Virkki LV, Murer H and Forster IC: Decipering PiT transport kinetics and substrate specificity using electrophysiology and flux measurements, Am J Physiol, Cell Physiology Epub
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Biber J, Stieger B, Stange G and Murer H: Isolation of renal proximal tubular brush border membranes. Nature Protocols 2 (6):1356-1359, 2007
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Hillesheim J, Riederer B, Tuo B, Chen M, Manns M, Biber J, Yun C, Kocher O, Seidler U: Down
regulation of small intestinal ion transport in PDZK1. Pflug Arch Eur J Phy 454(4):575-86, 2007.
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Virkki LV, Biber J, Murer H, Forster IC: Phosphate transporters: a tale of two solute carrier families, Am J hysiol, Renal Physiol 293, F643-F654, 2007
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Hernando N, Wagner C, Biber J, Murer H: Kidney kinase network regulates renal ion cotransport,JClin Invest. 2007 Nov 1;117(11):3179-318
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Gisler SM, Kittanakom S, Fuster D, Wong V, Bertic M, Radanovic T, Hall RA, Murer H, Biber J,Markovich D, Moe OW, Stagljar I: Monitoring protein-protein interactions between the mammalian integral membrane transporters and PDZ-interacting partners using a modified split-ubiquitin membrane yeast two-hybrid system. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2008 Jul;7(7):1362-77, Epub 2008 Apr 11.
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Nowik M, Picard N, Stange G, Capuano P, Tenenhouse HS, Biber J, Murer H, Wagner CA:Renal phosphaturia during metabolic acidosis revisited: molecular mechanisms for decreased renal phosphate reabsorption. Pflugers Arch. 2008 Jun 6.
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Thumfart J, Jung S, Amasheh S, Kraemer S, Peters H, Sommer K, Biber J, Murer H, Meij I, Querfeld U,Wagner CA, Muller DN: Magnesium stimulates renal phosphate reabsorption, Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2008 Oct;295(4):F1126-33. Epub 2008 Aug 13.
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Villa-Bellosta R, Ravera S, Sorribas V, Stange G, Levi M, Murer H, Biber J, Forster IC: The Na+/Pi cotransporter PiT-2 (SLC20A2) is expressed in the apical membrane of rat renal proximal tubules and regulated by dietary Pi.
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2009 Apr;296(4):F691-9. Epub 2008 Dec 10
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Reining SC, Gisler SM, Fuster D, Moe OW Md, O'Sullivan GA, Betz H, Biber J, Murer 
H, Hernando N: GABARAP deficiency modulates the expression of NaPi-IIa in renal
brush border membranes. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2009 May;296(5):F1118-28. Epub 2009 Feb 18.
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Ghezzi C, Murer H, Forster IC:  Substrate interactions of the electroneutral Na+-coupled inorganic
phosphate cotransporter (NaPi-IIc). J Physiol. 2009 Sep 1;587(Pt 17):4293-307. Epub 2009 Jul 13.
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__Reviews published 2002 - present__
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H. Murer: Functional domains in the renal type IIa Na/Pi-cotransporter. Kidney Int 62: 375-382, 2002
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B. Stieger, H. Murer: ABC Cassette Proteins in Epithelial Physiology. Kidney Int 62:1495-1523 2002
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IC. Forster, K. Köhler, J. Biber and H. Murer: Forging the link between structure and function of electrogenic cotransporters: the renal type IIa Na+/Pi cotransporter as a case study, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 80:69-108, 2002
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H. Murer, N. Hernando, I. Forster and J. Biber: Regulation of Na/Pi transporter in the proximal tubule. Annu Rev Physiol 2003 65:531-542, 2003
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Tenenhouse HS and Murer H: Disorders of Renal Tubular Phosphate Transport, J Am Soc Nephrol 14:240-247, 2003
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Caverzasio J., Murer H. and Tenenhouse H.S.: Phosphate Homeostasis Regulatory Mechanisms. Glorieux F.H. Editor-in-Chief, Pediatric Bone Biology and Diseases 173-192, 2003
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Markovich D., Murer H.: The SLC13 gene family of sodium sulphate/carboxylate cotransporters. Pflug Arch Eur J Phy 447:594-602, 2004
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Murer H., Forster I., Biber J.: The sodium phosphate cotransporter family SLC34. Pflug Arch Eur J Phy 447:763-767, 2004
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Hernando N, Wagner CA, Gisler SM, Biber J and Murer H: PDZ proteins and proximal ion transport. Curr Opinion in Nephrol and Hypert 13:569-574, 2004
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Bacic D, Wagner CA, Hernando N, Kaissling B, Biber J and Murer H: Novel aspects in regulated expression of the renal type IIa Na/Pi-cotransporter Kidney Int Suppl 94:5-12, 2004
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Biber J, Gisler SM, Hernando N, Wagner CA and Murer H: PDZ interactions and proximal tubular phosphate reabsorption, Am J Physiol,. Renal 287:871-875, 2004
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Biber J, Gisler S, Hernando N, Murer H: Protein/protein interactions (PDZ) in proximal tubules J Mem Biol 203:111-118, 2005
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Hernando N, Gisler SM, Pribanic S, Deliot N, Capuano P, Wagner CA, Moe OW, Biber J, Murer H. NaPi-IIa and interacting partners, J Physiol 567(Pt 1):21-26, 2005
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Hernando N, Biber J, Forster IC, Murer H. Recent advances on renal posphate transport. Ther Apher Dial 9(4):323-327, 2005
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Alpern R, Giebisch G, Murer H: ISN Forefronts in Nephrology 1986-2006 (Editorial), Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology 2(4):173, 2006
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Forster IC, Hernando N, Biber J, Murer H: Proximal tubular handling of phosphate – a molecular perspective, Kidney Int 70(9):1548-59, 2006
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Forster, I. (2007) Natrium-Phosphat-Kotransporter:Einblick in seinem Mechanismus.
Nephro News, Sept. 51-53.
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Wagner CA, Biber J, Murer H: What goes in must come out the small intestine modulates renal phosphate excretion. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2007 Dec;22(12):3411-2. No abstract vailable.
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Wagner CA, Murer H: Phosphatonine – neuartige Phosphat-hormone, Schlaglichter
Schweiz Med Forum 2008; 8:8-10
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Wagner CA, Biber J, Murer H: Of Men and Mice: Who Is in Control of Renal Phosphate Reabsorption? J Am Soc Nephrol. 2008 Sep;19(9):1625-6. Epub 2008 Jul 23
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Biber J, Hernando N, Forster I, Murer H: Regulation of phosphate transport in proximal tubules. Pflugers Arch. 2008 Aug 29
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Andrini O, Ghezzi C, Murer H, Forster C: The leak mode of type II Na(+)-P(i)  cotransporters. Channels (Austin). 2008 Sep 20;2(5).
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Lang F., Murer H: Calcium- und Phosphat-Haushalt, Physiologie des Menschen Heidelberg Springer Verlag 723 – 734, 2004
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Murer H., Berger E. Physiologie des Magen-Darm-Traktes Physiologie, München-Jena, Urban & Fischer  591 – 632, 2004
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Murer H, Forster IC, Wagner CA, Biber J, Hernando N, Molecular mechanisms in renal phosphate handling: recent advances, Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis, Transplantation, Budapest Nephrology School; Hungarian Kidney Foundation 63-71, 2006
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Forster IC, Hernando N, Biber J, Murer H: Proximal tubular handling of phosphate – a molecular perspective, Kidney Int 70(9):1548-59, 2006
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Wagner CA, Hernando N, Forster IC, Biber J, Murer H: Genetic defects in renal
phosphate handling. In: Genetic diseases of the kidney. Lifton RP, Somlo S, Giebsich GH, Seldin D. (eds). Elsevier