!!Fabrizio Nestola - Curriculum Vitae
*1999 Master’s degree in Geological Sciences – University of Torino, Italy\\
*2003 Ph.D. in Mineralogy – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
*2004 - 2005: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship - Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Germany\\
*2005 - 2006: Associate Post-Doc – Virginia Tech, USA\\
__Permanent positions at University of Padova__
*2006 - 2010 Permanent Researcher in Mineralogy\\
*2010 - 2015 Associate Professor in Mineralogy\\
*2015 - present Full Professor in Mineralogy
__Main grant as Principal Investigator__
*2013 - 2018 ERC; title: “Inclusions in diamonds: messengers from the deep Earth” (n. 307322); fund: 1,420,000 €
*2003 “Ph.D. thesis award” by SIMP, Italy\\
*2010 “Medal for Excellence in Research” by EMU\\
*2011 “Nardelli award” by AIC, Italy\\
*2016 “Messori Roncaglia and Mari award” by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei\\
*2019 “Humboldt Research Award” by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany\\
*2023 “Best Geoscience Research Award”, Geoscience Information Society, USA\\
*2024 “Dana Medal” by the Mineralogical Society of America, USA\\
*2024 “Geochemistry Fellow Honour" by the Geochemical Society (USA) and the European Association of Geochemistry
__Service at University of Padova, Italy__
*2015 - 2018 Coordinator of the Ph.D. Course in Earth Sciences\\
*2018 - 2022 Head of Department of Geosciences-\\
*2023 - 2025 President of the University Center for the Museums
__Service to the scientific community__
*Member of the European Research Council PE-10 evaluation panel\\
*Associate Editor for American Mineralogist and European Journal of Mineralogy\\
*Member of the Advisory Board of Physics and Chemistry of Minerals journal
__Most recent international invited presentations__
*2024 FEEG 2024, University of Barcelona (Spain)\\
*2023 Goldschmidt Conference 2023 (France) \\
*2022 International Union of Crystallography (USA) \\
*2021 Goldschmidt Conference 2021 (virtual) \\
*2019 Diamond Research Conference (UK)\\
*2019 Gordon Research Conference, Mount Holyoke College (USA)\\
*2019 Mineralogical Society of America Centennial (USA)\\
*2019 GEM-A conference (UK)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit fnestola}][{ALLOW upload fnestola}][{ALLOW comment All}]