!!Abraham Neyman - Biography
Neyman completed his PhD thesis, "Values of Games with a Continuum of Players," under the supervision of Robert J. Aumann in 1977, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.\\
Neyman has been professor of mathematics at the Hebrew University since 1982, including serving as the chairman of the institute of mathematics 1992–1994, as well as holding a professorship in economics, 1982–1990. He has been a member of the Center for the Study of Rationality at the Hebrew University since its inception in 1991, and is now the Chair of its Academic Committee. He held various positions at Stony Brook University of New York, 1985–2001. He has also held positions and has been visiting scholar at Cornell University, University of California at Berkeley, Stanford University, the Graduate School of Business Administration at Harvard University, and Ohio State University.\\
Neyman has had 12 graduate students complete Ph.D. theses under his supervision, five at Stony Brook University and seven at the Hebrew University. Neyman has also served as the Game Theory Area Editor for the journal Mathematics of Operations Research (1987–1993) and on the editorial board for Games and Economic Behavior (1993–2001) and the International Journal of Game Theory (2001–2007).\\
Neyman is an elected Fellow of the Econometric Society (1989), of the Economic Theory Society (2014), and of the Game Theory Society (2017). He was a Charter Member of the Game Theory Society with its foundation in 1999. He was selected to deliver the inaugural John von Neumann lecture at the 2008 World Congress of the Game Theory Society.\\ \\