!!Siew Chien Ng - Biography
Prof Ng, Croucher Professor of Medical Sciences and Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, began her research in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) two decades ago, after graduating from St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry and obtaining her PhD from Imperial College London. Her groundbreaking research has led to 330 scientific papers in high impact international journals, yielding a h-index of 104. \\
As a world-leading expert in IBD, she was the first to define the genetics, epidemiology and potential environmental trigger of IBD in newly industrialized countries, which has resulted in a paradigm shift in public health. She was also one of the youngest academics elected to the International Organization for the Study of IBD - an elite group of top 50 IBD leaders globally. She is invited speakers at over 280 regional, national and international scientific conferences.  \\
As Director of the Microbiota I-Center (MagIC), a newly established microbiome R&D center in Asia, her recent interest focuses on diagnostic and therapeutic role of microbiome in human diseases. She co-founded GenieBiome Limited, a bio-technology company aiming to transform microbiome discoveries into innovations for early detection, prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer, autism, metabolic disease and Long COVID. She is leading over 10 institutions in Europe including United Kingdom, Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark to investigate the role of microbiome in IBD. Her patented technology, MOZAIC, which improves success rate of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) is the first Microbiome innovation adopted by the local hospital authority to provide a territory-wide FMT service in Hong Kong.\\
Prof Ng is Senior Advisor of Nature Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Associate Editor of Gut and Management Committee of International IBD Genetics Consortium and Steering Committee of World Gastroenterology Organization. She is editor of two books in the Europe selling over 30,000 copies worldwide. She has solicited over 75 million EUROS competitive grants globally and filed over 90 patents in microbiome medicine. Her novel discoveries and innovations have earned her numerous prestigious honours, awards and fellowships and she has nurtured local and international talents from Italy, Switzerland and the UK. (Please refer to the attached CV).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit sng}][{ALLOW upload sng}][{ALLOW comment All}]