!!Eberhard Nieschlag - Curriculum Vitae

*1961-1967  Study of Medicine, University of Bonn and München\\
*1967   Doctoral degree (Dr. med.), University of Bonn\\
*1967-1968 Studies in Biochemistry at the University College London and training in Endocrinology at the MRC Unit in Edinburgh, Scotland\\
*1968-1971 Department of Endocrinology, University Hospital Mainz, Germany\\
*1971-1972 Reproduction Research Branch (Dr. M.B. Lipsett), NIH Bethesda, MD, USA\\
*1972-1976 Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Düsseldorf, Germany\\
*1974 Reproductive Endocrinology Unit (Prof. E. Diczfalusy), Karolinska Sjukhuset Stockholm, Sweden\\
*1975   Qualified as Specialist for Internal Medicine\\
*1975 University teaching degree for Internal Medicine ("Habilitation"), University of Düsseldorf\\
*1977 Qualified as Specialist for Clinical Endocrinology\\
*2005   Qualified as Specialist for Andrology\\
*1980 - 1989 Director, Max Planck Clinical Research Unit for Reproductive Medicine, Münster \\
*1986 - 2007 Director, Institute of Reproductive Medicine of the University of Münster\\
*Since  2008 Emeritus Professor, Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology, University of Münster\\
*Since  2010 Director, QuaDeGA GmbH (Quality Control of the German Society of Andrology)\\
*2013 - 2016  Highly Cited Researcher at the Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia \\
*1981-1985  President, International Society of Andrology\\
*1985-1990 Chairman, WHO Steering Committee of the Task Force on the Regulation of Male Fertility\\
*1990-1993  President, German Endocrine Society\\
*1992-1998 President, European Academy of Andrology\\
*1994-2001  Member, Executive Council, European Federation of Endocrine Societies (EFES)\\
*1995-1999 Member, Executive Council, European Society for Human Reproduction (ESHRE)\\
*1999-2001  Vice President, German Society of Reproductive Medicine\\
*2002-2003  President, German Society of Reproductive Medicine\\
*2002-2007  President, German Society of Andrology\\
*2007-2011  President, European Society of Endocrinology\\
*1965 - 1968  Stipendee of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes\\
*1990   European Medal and Lecture of the British Endocrine Society (London)\\
*1993 Keith Harrison Plaque and Lecture of the Endocrine Society of Australia\\
*1994   Clinical Endocrinology Trust Medal (London)\\
*1994   Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London (FRCP)\\
*1996   Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine (€ 100.000)\\
*1996 Foreign Member of the  Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Islamabad\\
*2001 Clinical Endocrinology Trust (London) Visiting Professorship\\
*2003   Reinier de Graaf Lecture 2003 (Amsterdam)\\
*2005   Premio di Andrologia J. M. Pomerol, Fundació Puigvert (Barcelona)\\
*2005    International Award of Excellence in Published Clinical Research in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism by the US Endocrine Society (JCEM 2004; 89: 6208-6217) (San Diego)\\
*2006   Doctor honoris causa, Medical University of  Łódź (Poland)\\
*2007   “Distinguished Andrologist” of the American Society of Andrology\\
*2007 Honorary Member of the German Society of Urology\\
*2008 Honorary Member of the German Society of Andrology\\
*2008 Honorary Member of the Polish Society of Endocrinology\\
*2008 German Federal Cross of Merit\\
*2011 Honorary Member of the German Society of Endocrinology\\
*2011 Outstanding Career Achievement Award, International Society of Men’s Health\\
*2012 Berthold Medal and lecture of the German Society of Endocrinology\\
*2014 The Delbert A. Fisher Research Scholar Award, 2014 Clark T. Sawin Memorial History of Endocrinology Lecturer, The International Society of Endocrinology and the US Endocrine Society\\
*2015 Honorary Member European Society of Endocrinology (ESE)\\
*2016 Honorary Member of the Clinical Research Unit for Reproductive Medicine e.V. \\
*2017 Honorary Member of the German Society for Reproductive Medicine (DGRM)\\
*2019 Honorary Membership in the European Academy of Andrology (EAA)\\
*2021 “Grandmaster of Testosterone” US Androgen Society
Over 860 publications in journals, 693 listed in PubMed, 300 book chapters, editor/coeditor of 10 books. Hirsch-factor 93 (2020)\\
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