!!Tobias Nipkow - Curriculum Vitae
*1982 Diplom in Informatik (M.Sc. in Computer Science), Technische Hochschule Darmstadt\\
*1987 Ph.D. in Computer Science, The University of Manchester
*1982 - 1984 Research Assistant, Department of Computer Science, The University of Manchester\\
*1984 - 1987 Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, The University of Manchester\\
*1988 - 1989 Post-doctoral Associate, Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT\\
*1989 - 1991 Research Associate, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge\\
*1991 - 1992 Advanced Fellow (SERC), Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge\\
*1992 - 2011 Professor for Theory of Programming, Department of Informatics, Technical University of Munich\\
*Since 2011 Professor for Logic and Verification, Department of Informatics, Technical University of Munich
__Editorial work__
*Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Automated Reasoning (2007 - 2020)\\
*Co-founding editor of ACM Transactions in Computational Logic (TOCL) \\
*Co-founding editor Logical Methods in Computer Science\\
*Editor of Information and Computation (2000 - 2007)\\ \\