!!Andrew Orr-Ewing - Biography
Andrew Orr-Ewing is internationally recognized for his work on the study of chemical dynamics in the gas phase and solution.  He graduated with an M.A. and B.A. Hons. in Chemistry (First Class, 1988) from the University of Oxford, and was awarded the Gibbs Prize for Chemistry (1987).  He obtained his D. Phil. in Physical Chemistry (1991) from the University of Oxford (Thesis adviser Prof G. Hancock; Jesus College Graduate Scholarship (1988 - 1991).\\
He was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 2017.\\
Orr-Ewing has published >220 peer-reviewed research publications, review articles, book chapters, outreach articles and commentaries, and 19 conference proceedings.  He has delivered more than 100 invited lectures at international and national conferences, and >80 seminars at UK and international universities and research institutes. \\
He was principal investigator on the ERC Advanced Grant 290966 CAPRI.  His laboratory has hosted postdoctoral research fellows funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Dr K. Röttger), Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (Dr M. McGillen, Dr B. Marchetti, Dr M. Sneha), and the Newton Fund (Dr R.K. Venkatraman), and postgraduate students supported by the EU Marie Curie Early Stage Training Grant BREATHE (Dr R. Grilli, Dr P. Gorrotxategi) and EU Marie Curie ITN ICONIC (Dr O. Tkáč).  More than 40 postgraduate students have received their PhDs under his supervision.\\
Current or recent scientific collaborations include: Profs D.H. Parker, A. van der Avoird and G. Groenenboom (Radboud University Nijmegen); Prof F. Temps (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel); Prof S. Vasquez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela); Dr C. Taatjes and Dr D.L. Osborn (Sandia National Laboratory); Prof Siva Umapathy (IISc, Bengaluru); Prof C. Vallance (University of Oxford); Prof M.H. Alexander (University of Maryland); and Prof P.J. Dagdigian (Johns Hopkins University).\\
Orr-Ewing has served on several committees promoting equality and diversity in STEM subjects, including representation of the Royal Society of Chemistry on the Royal Society’s Athena Forum (2008-2013) and membership of the Royal Society’s Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships Selection Committee (from 2016).  He was chair of the 18th International Gas Kinetics Symposium (Bristol, 2004) and of the Gordon Research Conference on Vibrational Spectroscopy (2018).\\ \\