!!Jeroen Pasterkamp - Selected Publications
 *Shared senior and corresponding author.\\
Garritsen O, van Battum EY, Grossouw LM, Pasterkamp RJ (2023). Development, wiring and function of dopamine neuron subtypes. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 24, 134-152.\\
van de Haar LL, Riga D, Boer JE, Garritsen O, Adolfs Y, Sieburgh TE, van Dijk RE, Watanabe K, van Kronenburg NCH, Broekhoven MH, Posthuma D, Meye FJ, Basak O, Pasterkamp RJ (2022). Molecular signatures and cellular diversity during mouse habenula development. Cell Reports 40, 111029.\\
Robinson RA, Griffiths SC, van de Haar LL, Malinauskas T, van Battum EY, Zelina P, Schwab RA, Karia D, Malnauskaite L, Brignani S, van den Munkhof M, Düdükcü Ö, de Ruiter AA, van den Heuvel DMA, Bishop B, Elegheert J, Aricescu AR, Pasterkamp RJ*, Siebold C* (2021) Simultaneous binding of guidance cues NET1 and RGM blocks extracellular NEO1 signaling (2021) Cell 184, 2103-2120.\\
Brignani S, Raj DDA, Schmidt ERE, Düdükcü Ö, Adolfs Y, De Ruiter AA, Rybiczka-Tesulov M, Verhagen MG, van der Meer C, Broekhoven MH, Moreno-Bravo JA, Grossouw LM, Dumontier E, Cloutier JF, Chédotal A, Pasterkamp RJ (2020). Remotely Produced and Axon-Derived Netrin-1 Instructs GABAergic Neuron Migration and Dopaminergic Substantia Nigra Development. Neuron 107, 684-702.\\
Ormel PR, Vieira de Sá R, van Bodegraven EJ, Karst H, Harschnitz O, Sneeboer MAM, Johansen LE, van Dijk RE, Scheefhals N, Berdenis van Berlekom A, Ribes Martínez E, Kling S, MacGillavry HD, van den Berg LH, Kahn RS, Hol EM*, de Witte LD*, Pasterkamp RJ* (2018). Microglia innately develop within cerebral organoids. Nature Communications 9, 4167.\\
Jongbloets BC, Lemstra S, Schellino R, Broekhoven MH, Parkash J, Hellemons AJ, Mao T, Giacobini P, van Praag H, De Marchis S, Ramakers GM, Pasterkamp RJ (2017) Stage-specific functions of Semaphorin7A during adult hippocampal neurogenesis rely on distinct receptors. Nature Communications 8, 14666.\\
Kong Y, Janssen BJ, Malinauskas T, Vangoor VR, Coles CH, Kaufmann R, Ni T, Gilbert RJ, Padilla-Parra S, Pasterkamp RJ*, Jones EY* (2016). Structural Basis for Plexin Activation and Regulation. Neuron 91, 548-60.\\
Van Erp S, van den Heuvel DMA, Fujita Y, Robinson R, Hellemons AJCGM, Adolfs Y, Van Battum EY, Blokhuis AM, Kuijpers M, Demmers J, Hedman H, Hoogenraad CC, Siebold C, Yamashita T, Pasterkamp RJ (2015) Lrig2 negatively regulates ectodomain shedding of axon guidance receptors by ADAM proteases. Developmental Cell 35, 537-552.\\
Schmidt ER, Brignani S, Adolfs Y, Lemstra S, Demmers J, Vidaki M, Donahoo AL, Lilleväli K, Vasar E, Richards LJ, Karagogeos D, Kolk SM, Pasterkamp RJ (2014). Subdomain-mediated axon-axon signaling and chemoattraction cooperate to regulate afferent innervation of the lateral habenula. Neuron 83, 372-387.\\
Pasterkamp RJ, Peschon JJ, Spriggs MK, Kolodkin AL (2003). Semaphorin7A promotes axon outgrowth through integrins and MAPKs. Nature 424, 398-405 (article).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit jpasterkamp}][{ALLOW upload jpasterkamp}][{ALLOW comment All}]