!!Oscar Pastor - Curriculum Vitae
Full Professor and Director of the Research Center on "Métodos de Producción de Software (PROS)” at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain).  He received his Ph.D. in 1992, after being a  researcher at HP Labs, Bristol, UK. Supervisor of 33 PhD Thesis and with an h-index of 50 according to Google Scholar, he has published more than five hundred research papers in conference proceedings, journals and books, received numerous research grants from public institutions and private industry, and been keynote speaker at several conferences and workshops. Member of the SC of conferences as ER, CAiSE, ESEM, REFSQ, EICS, ICWE, CIbSE or RCIS, his research activities focus on conceptual modeling, web engineering, requirements engineering, information systems design, and model-based software production. He created the object-oriented, formal specification language OASIS and the corresponding software production method OO-METHOD. He led the research and development underlying CARE Technologies that was formed in 1996. CARE Technologies has created an advanced MDA-based Conceptual Model Compiler called IntegraNova, a tool that produces a final software product starting from a conceptual schema that represents system requirements. ER Award and recipient of the Peter Chen Award on Conceptual Modelling in 2016, he is currently leading a multidisciplinary project linking Information Systems and Bioinformatics notions, oriented to designing and implementing tools for Conceptual Modelling-based interpretation of the Human Genome information.\\
__A summary of the main number of its scientific production is listed below:__\\
__Research Projects (Competitive Calls – last 5 years)__\\
__a) European/international Projects__\\
­ 7 competitive international projects\\
__b) National Projects (Plan I+D)__\\
­ 8 competitive national projects\\
__c) National Projects (PETRI, FEDER, Research Networks, etc)__ \\
­ 2 research networks.\\
__d) Regional Projects__\\
­ 5 competitive regional projects\\
Technology Transfer Projects\\
Up to 10 significant technology transfer projects\\
__Book editor (Conference Proceedings):__ 33 Conference Proceedings edited\\
Supervised 33 supervised Doctoral Thesis, 51 Master Thesis.
\\ \\
__Organization of International Conferences and Events:__\\
12 international conferences\\ \\