!!Nils Arne Pedersen - Selected Publications
1) 1996, Studies in The Sermon on the Great War: Investigations of a Manichaean-Coptic text from the fourth century, Aarhus University Press: Aarhus, ISBN 87 7288 559 9, 508 pages.\\
2) 2004, Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God: A Study of Titus of Bostra’s Contra Manichaeos. The Work’s Sources, Aims and Relation to its Contemporary Theology, Leiden: Brill, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 56, ISBN 90 04 13883 8, 591 pages.\\
3) 2006, Manichaean Homilies: With a number of hitherto unpublished fragments, Turnhout: Brepols, The Manichaean Coptic Papyri in the Chester Beatty Library, Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum, Series Coptica II, ISBN 2-503-51045-0, 317 pages + 20 photo planches.\\
4) Nils Arne Pedersen & John Møller Larsen, 2013, Manichaean Texts in Syriac: First Editions, New Editions and Studies; with contributions by Zs. Gulácsi and M. Krutzsch, Turnhout: Brepols, Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum, Series Syriaca 1, ISBN 9782503550251, 406 pages [[Nils Arne Pedersen sole author of Chapter I, “Introduction,” pp 1-26; Chapter IV, “A Tentative Interpretation of the Texts,” pp. 187-244; Nils Arne Pedersen senior author of Chapter II, “Edition,” pp. 27-112].\\
5) 2017, “Observations about the Book of Giants from Coptic and Syriac sources,” Manichaeism East and West, eds. S. Lieu, E. Hunter, E. Morano, N.A. Pedersen, Turnhout: Brepols, Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum, Analecta Manichaica 1, ISBN 978-2-503-57457-8, pp. 185-202.\\
6) Nils Arne Pedersen, René Falkenberg, John Møller Larsen, Claudia Leurini, 2017, The Old Testament in Manichaean Tradition: The Sources in Syriac, Greek, Coptic, Middle Persian, Parthian, Sogdian, New Persian, and Arabic, Turnhout: Brepols, Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum, Biblia Manichaica I, ISBN 9782503577739, 303 pages [[Nils Arne Pedersen senior author].\\
7) 2018, “The Legendary Addai and the First Apocalypse of James,” Ägypten und der Christliche Orient: Peter Nagel zum 80. Geburtstag, eds. H. Behlmer, U. Pietruschka, F. Feder, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, Texte und Studien zur Koptischen Bibel/Texts and Studies on the Coptic Bible 1, ISBN 978-3-447-11031-0, pp. 187-212.\\
8) 2020, “Pelagius against the Manichaeans: Real Opponents or Clichéd Heresiology?”, Manichaeism and Early Christianity: Selected Papers from the 2019 Pretoria Congress and Consultation, ed. J. Van Oort, Leiden & Boston: Brill, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 99, ISBN 978-90-04-44546-8, pp. 317-343.\\
9) Nils Arne Pedersen, René Falkenberg, John Møller Larsen, Claudia Leurini, 2020, The New Testament Gospels in Manichaean Tradition: The Sources in Syriac, Greek, Coptic, Middle Persian, Parthian, Sogdian, Bactrian, New Persian, and Arabic, Turnhout: Brepols, Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum, Biblia Manichaica II, ISBN 978-2-503-58921-3, 550 pages [[Nils Arne Pedersen senior author].\\
10) Nils Arne Pedersen, René Falkenberg, John Møller Larsen, Claudia Leurini, 2022, The New Testament Acts, Letters, and Revelation in Manichaean Tradition: The Sources in Syriac, Greek, Coptic, Middle Persian, Parthian, Sogdian, Bactrian, New Persian, and Arabic, Turnhout: Brepols, Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum, Biblia Manichaica III, ISBN: 978-2-503-60105-2, 362 pages [[Nils Arne Pedersen senior author].\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit npedersen}][{ALLOW upload npedersen}][{ALLOW comment All}]