!!Michael  Peppe - Curriculum Vitae
__Academic Qualifications__\\
*Sc.D., University of Cambridge, 1989\\
*M.A., University of Cambridge, 1988\\
*Ph.D., University of Reading, 1967\\
*B.Sc., University of Reading, 1963
__Learned Societies and Editorial Boards__\\
*Editor , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2008-2010\\
*Royal Society Hooke Committee, Scientific Meetings, 2008-2010\\
*Council for Industry and Higher Education, 2004-2008\\
*Member of the Editorial Board, Physical Review, 2005-2011\\
*Science Advisory Board, Institute of Physics Publishing, 2004-\\
*Divisional Associate Editor, Physical Review Letters, 1998-2001\\
*Council of the Royal Society, 1998-2000\\
*Trustee, Wolfson Foundation, 2011-\\
__Other Administrative Activities__\\
*Former member of the General Board and Council of Cambridge University \\
*Former member of Council of Trinity College\\
*Former Chair of Expenditure Committe, now member of Investment Committee, Trinity\\
*Various advisory functions to investment houses and venture capital organisations\\
*Many conference committees\\
Publications - 760 papers on semiconductor nanostructures and related physics, terahertz and applications.\\
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Created Semiconductor Physics group in Cavendish and personally supervised over 70 Ph.D students who went into research, commercial, industrial and academic posts throughout. He pioneered the field of semiconductor nanoelectronics and developed techniques used by numerous groups throughout the world.
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Was responsible for Toshiba setting up research company in UK and played an active role in optical research leading to discovery of single photon emitters and detectors and then directed the effort leading to development of quantum communications systems and entangled photon LED’s.
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Directed terahertz technology and was responsible for creation of TeraView to exploit terahertz applications based on semiconductor technology. He directed efforts leading to first demonstration of cancer detection by terahertz and applications in pharmaceutical research and manufacturing.\\
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Raised over 23 Million Euros for TeraView and negotiated support of over 63 Million Euros whilst Managing Director of Toshiba Research Europe. \\
He is, has been, PI on academic grants with a total career value of over 25 Million Euros. \\
[http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/staff/academic/mpepper], contains recent publications.