!!Daniel Petit - Curriculum Vitae

*PhD (Paris, Sorbonne University) in Greek linguistics: *Swe- in Ancient Greek. The Family of the Greek Reflexive Pronoun. Greek and Indo-European Linguistics (1996)\\
*Habilitation (Paris, École pratique des hautes études) in Baltic linguistics: Ablaut and Grammatical Categories in the Baltic Languages (2002)\\
*Full Professor ‘Indo-European Linguistics’ (École normale supérieure, Département des sciences de l’Antiquité), since 2003\\
*Director of Studies ‘Baltic and Indo-European Linguistics’ (École pratique des hautes études), since 2011\\
*French correspondent at the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres since 2021\\
*Secretary (chief editor) of the Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris since 2017\\
*Participation to the committee of 28 PhDs and Habilitations\\
*Supervisor of 9 PhDs (4 defended, 5 on-going)\\
*Organizer or co-organizer of 15 international conferences or workshops\\
*34 books published (3 as chief author); 110 papers published in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, USA, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, China, Azerbaijan; 91 book reviews\\
*150 talks in international conferences and workshops in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece,  Norway, Sweden, Croatia, Kosovo, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, USA, China, Vietnam, Azerbaijan\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit dpetit}][{ALLOW upload dpetit}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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