!!Ramesh Shanmughom Pillai - Selected Publications
1. Lingyun Li, Kyrylo Krasnykov, David Homolka, Pascal Gos, Mateusz Mendel, Richard J Fish, Radha Raman Pandey, Ramesh S Pillai. The XRN1-regulated RNA helicase activity of YTHDC2 ensures mouse fertility independently of m6A recognition. \\
Mol Cell. (2022) Mar 10; S1097-2765(22)00208-8.  (29 citations)\\
2. Mateusz Mendel, Kamila Delaney, Radha Raman Pandey, Kuan-Ming Chen, Joanna M. Wenda, Cathrine Broberg Vågbø, Florian A. Steiner, David Homolka, Ramesh S. Pillai. Splice site m6A methylation prevents binding of U2AF35 to inhibit RNA splicing.\\
Cell. (2021). 184: 1-18.  (99 citations)\\
3. Mendel M, Chen KM, Homolka D, Gos P, Pandey RR, McCarthy AA, Pillai RS (2018).\\
Methylation of Structured RNA by the m6A Writer METTL16 Is Essential for Mouse Embryonic Development.\\
Mol Cell. (2018). 71: 986-1000.e11  (268 citations)\\
4. Wojtas, M.N., Pandey, R.R., Mendel, M., Homolka, D., Sachidanandam, R., and Pillai, R.S. Regulation of m6A Transcripts by the 3'-->5' RNA Helicase YTHDC2 Is Essential for a Successful Meiotic Program in the Mammalian Germline.\\
Mol Cell. (2017). 68: 374-387.  (370 citations)\\
5. Xiol J, Spinelli P, Laussmann MA, Homolka D, Yang Z, Cora E, Couté Y, Conn S, Kadlec J, Sachidanandam R, Kaksonen M, Cusack S, Ephrussi A, Pillai RS. RNA clamping by Vasa assembles a piRNA amplifier complex on transposon transcripts.\\
Cell. (2014). 157: 1698-1711. (236 citations)\\
6. Xiol J, Cora E, Koglgruber R, Chuma S, Subramanian S, Hosokawa M, Reuter M, Yang Z, Berninger P, Palencia A, Benes V, Penninger J, Sachidanandam R, Pillai, R.S. A Role for Fkbp6 and the Chaperone Machinery in piRNA Amplification and Transposon Silencing. Mol Cell. (2012). 47: 970-979  (127 citations)\\
7. Reuter M, Berninger P, Chuma S, Shah H, Hosokawa M, Funaya C, Antony C, Sachidanandam R, Pillai, R.S (2011) Miwi catalysis is required for piRNA amplification-independent LINE1 transposon silencing. Nature 480: 264-267. (424 citations)\\
8. Reuter M, Chuma S, Tanaka T, Franz T, Stark A, Pillai, R.S (2009) Loss of the Mili-interacting Tudor domain-containing protein-1 activates transposons and alters the Mili-associated small RNA profile. NSMB 16: 639-646 (296 citations)\\
9. Pillai, R.S., Bhattacharyya, S.N., Artus, C.G., Zoller, T., Cougot, N., Basyuk, E., Bertrand, E. and Filipowicz, W. (2005) Inhibition of translational initiation by Let-7 MicroRNA in human cells. Science, 309, 1573-1576. (1839 citations)\\
10. Pillai RS. MicroRNA function: multiple mechanisms for a tiny RNA? RNA, 2005 Dec; 11 (12). (960 citations)\\
[Full list of publications|https://mocel.unige.ch/research-groups/ramesh-pillai/papers]\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit rpillai}][{ALLOW upload rpillai}][{ALLOW comment All}]