!!Cecilia Poletto - Publications
__Influential papers__ \\
1. (2022) 'Being bare: a survey of quantifier positions' in C. Gianollo et alii (eds), Determiners and Quantifiers.  Syntax and Semantics vol 44. Leiden: Brill, 186-213.\\
2. (2021). 'Against complementizers', in S. Wolfe &  Ch. Meklenborg (eds), Continuity and Variation in Germanic and Romance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 370-403 (with E. Sanfelici).\\
3. (2021) 'Relative clauses in the diachrony of Italian', Journal of Historical Syntax 5:1-13 (with E. Sanfelici)\\
4. (2021) 'Remnant movement and smuggling in some Romance interrogative clauses', in A. Belletti & Ch. Collins (eds). Smuggling in Syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 255-317 (with J-Y. Pollock). \\
5. (2020) ´Null subjects in Old Italian´, in S. Wolfe et alii (eds) Rethinking Verb Second. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 325-347.\\
6. (2019) 'More than one way out: On the factors influencing the loss of V to C movement', in Ch. Meklenborg (ed.), A Micro-perspective on Verb Second in Romance and Germanic [[Linguistic Variation, 19:1]]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 47-81.\\
7. (2018). ‘Exploiting microvariation: How to make the best of your incomplete data’, Glossa 3(1): 1-21 (with J. Garzonio).\\
8. (2018). ‘Multilingual Competence Influences Answering Strategies in Italian–German Speakers’, Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01971 (with I. Caloi, A. Belletti).\\
__Important monographs__\\
9. (2014). Word Order in Old Italian. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.\\
10. (2000). The Higher Functional Field: Evidence from Northern Italian Dialects. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press. \\
__Google Scholar__\\
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