!!Leonid Polterovich -  Selected Publications
[[1] (1991) Polterovich, L. The surgery of Lagrange submanifolds. Geometric and Functional Analysis GAFA, 1, 198-210.\\
[[2] (1994) McDuff, D., Polterovich, L. Symplectic packings and algebraic geometry. Inventiones Mathematicae, 115, 405-429.\\
[[3] (1996) Eliashberg, Y., Polterovich, L. Local Lagrangian 2-knots are trivial. Annals of Mathematics, 144, 61-76\\
[[4] (2001) Polterovich, L. The geometry of the group of symplectic diffeo-morphisms. Lectures in Math., ETH Zürich, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.\\
[[5] (2003) Entov, M., Polterovich, L. Calabi quasimorphism and quantum homology. International Mathematics Research Notices 30, 1635-1676.\\
[[6] (2006) Eliashberg, Y., Kim, S. S., Polterovich, L. Geometry of contact transformations and domains: orderability versus squeezing. Geometry and Topology, 10, 1635-1747.\\
[[7] (2009) Entov, M., Polterovich, L. Rigid subsets of symplectic manifolds. Compositio Mathematica, 145, 773-826.\\
[[8] (2016) Polterovich, L., Shelukhin, E. Autonomous Hamiltonian flows, Hofer’s geometry and persistence modules. Selecta Mathematica, 22, 227-296.\\
[[9] (2018) Polterovich, L. Symplectic rigidity and quantum mechanics. European Congress of Mathematics, 155-179. European Mathematical Society (EMS), Zürich.\\
[[10] (2020) Polterovich, L., Rosen, D,. Samvelyan, K., Zhang, J. Topological persistence in geometry and analysis. Univ. Lecture Ser., 74, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit lpolterovich}][{ALLOW upload lpolterovich}][{ALLOW comment All}]