!!Jean Ponce - Biography
Jean Ponce is a Professor of Computer Science at Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) / PSL Research University and Part-time Global Distinguished Professor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and the Center for Data Science (CDS) at New York University (NYU). \\
He served as director of the Computer Science Department at ENS from 2011 to 2017, and was on leave from ENS seconded to Inria and a Visiting Faculty Member at NYU from 2017 to 2022 to lead the collaboration between Inria and NYU. \\
Before joining ENS, Jean Ponce held positions at MIT, Stanford, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he was a Full Professor until 2005. \\
Jean Ponce is an IEEE Fellow and an ELLIS Fellow, and was a Sr. member of the Institut Universitaire de France from 2012 to 2017. \\
He served as the Sr. Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Computer Vision from 2019 to 2022, chaired the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition in 1997 and 2000 as well as the European Conference on Computer Vision in 2008. \\
He will chair the International Conference on Computer Vision in 2023. He is the scientific director of the PRAIRIE Interdisciplinary AI Research Institute in Paris.  \\
He is the recipient of two US patents and a (pending) French one, as well as a co-founder in 2022 of Enhance Lab, a French startup commercializing software for super-resolution and high dynamic range imagine from raw photo burst. He has received an ERC advanced grant, the 2016  and 2020 IEEE CVPR Longuet-Higgins prizes, and the 2019 ICML test-of-time award. \\
He is the co-author of "Computer Vision: A Modern Approach", a textbook translated in Chinese, Japanese, and Russian.\\
He has over 55,000 GS citations with h=78.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit jponce}][{ALLOW upload jponce}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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